
最后更新于:2024-08-28 17:26:29

  • 1、为用FCG驱动象HPM源这样较高阻抗的负载,必须使用脉冲功率调制电路把FCG产生的低电压、大电流、上升时间长的电压脉冲转化为高电压、上升时间短的脉冲。
  • 2、超时事件间的空闲上升时间越来越少,把这个结果画成图很引人关注,结果造成停机时间更少。
  • 3、Asthe mist cleared, the sun's rays slowly stretched across the horizon, marking the beginning of a new day and signifying the rising time of hope and possibilities.
  • 4、After years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, her career trajectory finally reached its peak as she soared to the top, embodying the essence of upward movement and success.
  • 5、The students' enthusiasm and dedication to learning ignited a positive change within the classroom, resulting in an upward time of academic excellence and personal growth.
  • 6、The roaring applause and standing ovation at the theater affirmed the cast's outstanding performance, marking an unforgettable upward time in their theatrical careers.
  • 7、Against all odds, her determination and resilience propelled her beyond expectations and into the realm of triumph, as she embraced every upward time and transformed setbacks into stepping stones for success.
  • 8、The wind howled, but with every step forward, the mountaineer's spirit grew stronger, conquering the challenges and embracing the breathtaking beauty of the upward time on the mountain peak.
  • 9、Through years of hard work and dedication, the athlete surpassed all limitations and broke records, standing tall as a symbol of the human spirit's ability to achieve greatness during the upward time of athletic achievement.
  • 10、The book's captivating narrative took readers on a journey through the protagonist's ups and downs, unveiling an extraordinary upward time of personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery.
  • 11、The continuous investment in education and technology paved the way for an upward time in innovation and scientific breakthroughs, revolutionizing industries and improving lives.
  • 12、With each stroke of the paintbrush, the artist infused his canvas with vibrant colors and intricate details, capturing the essence of nature's beauty and creating an upward time of awe-inspiring artistry.
  • 13、The entrepreneur's unwavering vision and relentless pursuit of excellence propelled the company forward, creating an upward time of innovation, growth, and economic prosperity.
  • 14、Against a backdrop of challenging circumstances, the community rallied together, offering support and extending helping hands, creating an upward time of unity, resilience, and collective strength.
  • 15、The dancer's graceful movements and mesmerizing performance captivated the audience, evoking a range of emotions and transporting them to an ethereal dimension of beauty and upward time.
  • 16、The establishment of inclusive policies and equal opportunities led to an upward time of diversity and empowerment, where individuals from all walks of life could thrive and contribute to society.
  • 17、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 18、当改变该调制器结构参数后,其上升时间和下降时间会产生明显变化。
  • 19、在时间域中,利用地震记录中的振幅与上升时间信息可以计算出岩石介质的品质因子Q值。
  • 20、传统的测试算法在执行效率上存在不足,通过深入分析待测波形关键样点间关系,本文中所提出的关于上升时间,下降时间等时域参数的测试算法,其效率有显著提高。
  • 21、结果表明,加入苦味酸钾可以缩短输出药点火延迟期和压力上升时间
  • 22、针对上升时间为微秒量级且含有低频分量的RSD开关电流,提出了调控相差的外积分测量方案。
  • 23、使用三同轴电缆时,为了减少电缆泄漏并尽量降低电路的上升时间,可以将内层屏蔽驱动到保护电位。
  • 24、应用本仪器曾观察上升时间约0.5毫微秒的快速脉冲和脉冲调制的100兆赫正弦振荡波形。
  • 25、在大数值电阻和电容的情况下,上升时间可能达到数分钟。
  • 26、所以,即使并联在输入端的电容很大,其对上升时间的影响也很小。
  • 27、光电脉冲法是解决高速取样示波器上升时间校准问题的最新技术。
  • 28、如果我们绘制百分比过冲与上升时间表,我们将得到一系列的点,每个点对应一个不同的PID增益集。
  • 29、入射波上升时间增长,反射脉冲变宽,幅值降低,但一定程度上有利于检测出绝缘故障。
  • 30、如果我们减少上升时间,也就增加了过冲,反之亦然。
  • 31、因电压放大的高倍数,这一级一则改变输入电压的摆幅,二则改变引入信号的上升时间
  • 32、本文分析了异变的原因,提出了对CP脉冲上升时间和下降时间的要求条件。
  • 33、参数测量主要指对波形特性,如上升时间、下降时间、过冲、周期、脉冲波形或眼图的幅度等。
  • 34、包括快速上升时间的视频。
  • 35、继续前面的例子,假设我们增加了额外的最小化上升时间的目标。