
最后更新于:2024-08-29 11:05:25

  • 1、夏有三伏秋有“虎”,秋风秋雨秋老虎。季节交替度寒暑,生活奔忙真辛苦。天气变化要记住,健康损失难弥补。立秋之际遥相祝,生活开心就是福。
  • 2、我们将强化国家资本标准,使银行能够承受损失,弥补自身风险。
  • 3、Despite the deep loss and sorrow, the community came together to organize a charity event to raise funds and bring hope to those affected, aiming to repair the broken spirits and offer solace to the grieving families.
  • 4、Reflecting on her past actions, she decided to dedicate her time and energy to volunteer work, in an attempt to compensate for the mistakes she had made and find redemption through helping others.
  • 5、Recognizing the significance of education in eradicating inequality, the government launched an initiative aimed at providing quality education for underprivileged children, with the hope of bridging the gap and compensating for the opportunities they had been denied.
  • 6、Following a public apology, the celebrity allocated a portion of his earnings to support initiatives that aimed to empower and uplift marginalized communities, seeking to make reparations and compensate for his past insensitive remarks.
  • 7、Witnessing the devastating consequences of natural disasters, countries joined forces to provide financial aid and resources to affected regions, intending to help rebuild and compensate for the losses suffered by the affected communities.
  • 8、After realizing the detrimental effects of their product on consumers' health, the company launched a comprehensive campaign to raise awareness, compensate those affected, and develop healthier alternatives to rectify their mistake.
  • 9、Recognizing the value of art in healing, the museum organized free exhibitions and workshops for the public, striving to create a safe space for expression and compensate for the emotional toll of the pandemic.
  • 10、Despite facing financial constraints, the government prioritized investing in infrastructure development in rural areas to compensate for the lack of basic amenities and improve the living standards of those communities.
  • 11、Recognizing the importance of inclusion, the organization established training programs to encourage equal representation and create an inclusive work environment, aiming to compensate for the past exclusion and discrimination.
  • 12、After causing a road accident, the driver took full responsibility and offered financial assistance to the injured party, aiming to compensate for the physical and emotional damage caused by the accident.
  • 13、Aware of the negative impact of deforestation, the government implemented strict regulations and launched reforestation programs to compensate for the loss of natural habitat and preserve biodiversity.
  • 14、Realizing the harmful effects of their previous marketing strategies, the company launched a campaign to promote body positivity and diversity, aiming to compensate for the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated in the media.
  • 15、Witnessing the damage caused by pollution, individuals and organizations came together to organize a beach cleanup initiative, hoping to compensate for the harm done to marine life and restore the beauty of the coastline.
  • 16、当一些超出我控制地外界因素使我延误时,我就亡羊补牢,尽快把失去地时间弥补回来。
  • 17、除了自赎,他没有别的办法来弥补对她造成的伤害.
  • 18、失足可以很快弥补,失言却可能永远无法补救。富兰克林
  • 19、士兵们的优秀往往可以弥补将军们。蒙森
  • 20、在底部有一个金属球,弥补了每个灯带金属基地。
  • 21、这个世界上没有完美的人,但是每个人都追求完美的事物。所以他门走到了一起,他们用他人的长处来弥补自己的短处,这个队伍称之位团队。
  • 22、有空学风水去,死后占个好墓也算弥补了生前买不起好房的遗憾、用嘻哈的蓝调精神来过二胡一样的生活。
  • 23、我们听说作恶多端的人会下地狱,为了要教训那些人,为了要让他们弥补自己的过错。
  • 24、他明白了,在弥补自己错误的这段旅程中,他也在接受着陌生人的不可思议。站在一个过客的位置上,不但脚下的土地,连其他的一切都是对他开放的。
  • 25、试图用侵略行为,高顶帽来弥补自己的矮小身材。
  • 26、由于路途遥远,当他回到家的时候他的父亲已经去世,这成为他的终天之恨,一辈子也难以弥补
  • 27、结果任务未达成,仍不会停止挥棒,反而想用更高的功绩来弥补之前的承诺,结果成了常败将军。
  • 28、1980年他随诺丁汉森队击败德国汉堡蝉联欧洲冠军杯,弥补了前一年的遗憾.
  • 29、轶闻、掌故均属史料范畴,它可以多侧面展现历史人物的性格和行状,以弥补官修正史的缺失。
  • 30、黑瞎子吐了口烟,看了看手表:“第一周你需要学习利用你关节力量的用力方法,学习在你本身活动范围受限的情况下,应对的策略和防御的基本机巧。你需要一把你手臂长短的砍刀,作为你的主要武器,来弥补你关节的缺陷。”。南派三叔
  • 31、战略方案的制定充分考虑到了三航院内部条件,使优势得以充分发挥,使劣势通过战略联盟等措施得到弥补
  • 32、我处会相应增加景点用以弥补,客人所交团费不予退还.
  • 33、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 34、落花有意,流水无情,裂痕已难以弥补
  • 35、有些东西可以弥补,有些东西无法弥补。毕淑敏
  • 36、交换一个苹果,得到一个苹果;交换一种思想,得到一种思想。选择与你才干,性格不同的人,他可以弥补你的缺陷。
  • 37、但很明确的是,当传统新闻业江河日下之时,五花八门的非营利机构就开始弥补这个缺口了。
  • 38、我要控告你,凶手!你使用的一次性筷子、面巾纸、木地板,无情砍伐了很多棵大树!今天是3.12植树节,植一棵树用来弥补吧,愿我们的生活更和谐!
  • 39、一个人应能利用别人的经验,以弥补个人直接经验的狭隘性,这是教育的一个必要的组成部分。
  • 40、本来就已经被老婆服侍得红光满面、心广体胖了,可是还要时不时地来一顿“精神快餐”,弥补一下空虚的大脑,安慰一下寂寞的灵魂。
  • 41、康德哲学的物自体与现象界的二分使二者之间出现了无法逾越的鸿沟,而马克思在康德的基础上运用实践的方式弥补了二者之间的裂痕。
  • 42、在这种形势下,在现有的体制框架内,我们完全可以避实就虚,从培养市场主体的信用理念和信用意识入手,通过股票市场参与主体信用意识的提高来逐步弥补在市场制度方面的某些缺陷。
  • 43、没有所谓运气这个货色,一切无非是考验、处分或弥补
  • 44、前半生,努力扩展你的优点。后半生,要努力弥补你的缺点。不要反过来,你没有时间。
  • 45、对于星空联盟来说,此番将中国颇具实力的两家航空公司纳入旗下也弥补了其全球运营网络中的一大漏洞。
  • 46、我们承认我们的缺点,是想用我们的真诚来弥补人们因这些缺点对我们形成的不利看法。拉罗什富科
  • 47、奇趁年轻少壮去探求知识吧,它将弥补由于年老而带来的亏损。智慧乃是老年的精神养料,所以年轻时应该努力,这样,年轻时才不致空虚。
  • 48、但网展的缺陷很难用技术手段加以弥补,注定了网展不可能替代实物展在展览业中唱主角。
  • 49、爱情,亲情,友情总是在不经意中发生不能让人承受的变化。得到结果又经常后悔过程,承担结果又要用一辈子空闲的时间来弥补。生活不期而遇的残忍与恩惠每天都在进行!
  • 50、自然赋予人类以无数的欲望和需要,而对于缓和这些需要,却给了他以薄弱的手段。人只有社会,才能弥补他的缺陷。休谟