
最后更新于:2024-08-29 14:08:10

  • 1、识别并使用不定冠词谈论可数名词。
  • 2、英语中有两个冠词:定冠词和不定冠词
  • 3、Itumbled upon a beautiful garden while taking a leisurely stroll in an unfamiliar town.
  • 4、Anunexpected ray of sunshine filtered through the clouds, brightening up my otherwise gloomy day.
  • 5、Iad never tasted a more tantalizing dish than the exquisite delicacy I had at that small, hidden restaurant.
  • 6、Inthe darkness of the night, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, leaving me with an eerie sense of unease.
  • 7、AsI walked through the museum, I came across a captivating painting that seemed to transport me to a different era.
  • 8、The sound of a gentle rain tapping on my window brought a sense of serenity to my chaotic mind.
  • 9、Iame across a fascinating book that captivated my imagination and took me on an unforgettable journey.
  • 10、Aone flower bloomed amidst the barren desert, symbolizing hope and resilience in the face of adversity.
  • 11、The sweet melody of a violin filled the air, evoking a wave of emotions that I could not put into words.
  • 12、While wandering through the bustling city, I stumbled upon a hidden alleyway that housed an array of unique shops and boutiques.
  • 13、Agust of wind carried the scent of fresh flowers, instantly lifting my spirits and filling me with a sense of joy.
  • 14、On a rainy day, I found solace in a cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner, savoring a hot cup of aromatic coffee.
  • 15、The flickering flames of a campfire provided warmth and comfort on a chilly winter night, creating an unforgettable atmosphere.
  • 16、As I sat at the edge of the cliff, gazing at the vastness of the ocean, a sense of awe and insignificance washed over me.
  • 17、Asingle drop of dew clinging to a leaf sparkled like a precious gem, reminding me of the beauty in the smallest things.
  • 18、Amidst a sea of faces, I caught a glimpse of a familiar smile, instantly brightening my day and filling me with a sense of belonging.
  • 19、The soft touch of a feather brushing against my skin brought a moment of tranquility in the midst of chaos.
  • 20、Astray puppy wandered into my life, instantly becoming my loyal companion and filling my days with unconditional love.
  • 21、冠词可分为定冠词,不定冠词和零冠词三类.
  • 22、我们不可以在这个名词前用不定冠词.
  • 23、姓名前不能用不定冠词或定冠词。
  • 24、我们不能在这个名词前用不定冠词
  • 25、我早就讲过,冠词可以分为定冠词和不定冠词
  • 26、英语中有两个冠词,即定冠词和不定冠词
  • 27、名词是人或物的名称。thing前省去了不定冠词a。
  • 28、不定冠词:用于指定不特定不唯一的东西。
  • 29、有时interest可与不定冠词连用。
  • 30、重读课文,划出不定冠词和定冠词。