
最后更新于:2024-08-29 15:03:36

  • 1、满语词汇在济南话中就俯拾皆是——关饷发工资、磨蹭拙钝、拖延、邋遢原意为“迟慢也”,现在意为不整洁、撒么四处看等。
  • 2、身上穿着一身笔挺的军服,头上端端正正的带着军盔,腰挎锃光瓦亮的军刀,那军容风纪,不可谓不整洁,那走路的军姿,也不可谓不标准,只是……
  • 3、The restaurant kitchen was chaotic, with pots and pans scattered everywhere, spills left uncleaned, and a strong smell of grease hanging in the air.
  • 4、The child's bedroom was a disaster, with toys and clothes tossed around in every corner, the bed unmade, and the scent of stale food permeating the room.
  • 5、The city streets were a mess, with trash bins overflowing, litter lining the sidewalks, and an unpleasant odor hanging in the air.
  • 6、The public restroom was filthy and unhygienic, with overflowing toilets, dirty sinks, and a foul smell that made it unbearable to use.
  • 7、The once pristine beach was now a littered wasteland, with plastic bottles, discarded wrappers, and cigarette butts polluting the sand and waters.
  • 8、The train station was a mess, with trash strewn across the platforms, graffitied walls, and broken ticket machines, creating an atmosphere of neglect and decay.
  • 9、The hotel room was untidy, with unmade beds, used towels left on the floor, and an overflowing trash bin, giving the impression of a lack of care and attention.
  • 10、The basement was cluttered with junk and debris, filled with old furniture, broken appliances, and dusty boxes piled high, giving it a neglected and forgotten air.
  • 11、The car was a mess, with food wrappers littering the seats, dirty windows, and a strong smell of stale cigarettes, revealing a lack of cleanliness and upkeep.
  • 12、整洁花或不整洁花,两性或单性,排列于各种花序中,通常为总状花序或穗状花序。
  • 13、这次行动是基于所谓的“破窗理论”,该理论认为不整洁的环境能诱发犯罪。
  • 14、不整洁的孩子的玩具,靴子及书藉,都乱堆在一只柜橱里.
  • 15、没等他开口,本杰明就招呼道:”你看我这房间,太不整洁了,请你在门外等候一分钟,我收拾一下,你再进来吧。“然后本杰明就轻轻地关上了房门。
  • 16、求职最怕“一问三不知”,但也不能“口若大悬河”;求职最怕“衣冠不整洁”,但也不能“打扮很新潮”;送您12字必胜箴言:大方得体,胸有成竹,坦诚相见。此次应聘,您定能顺利过关。
  • 17、不整洁的士兵,不会在战斗中战胜。
  • 18、宿舍室长,每天早读课前,他都要到宿舍检查卫生,发现不整洁、不干净,就动手自己整理。
  • 19、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.
  • 20、你总不会因为一个人衣着不整洁认为他心怀叵测吧?