
最后更新于:2024-08-29 16:22:58

  • 1、尽管和他一样的不满者并没有这样做,但是斯卡约拉议员还是对政府投了反对票。
  • 2、四川地震造就了几千万的潜在不满者
  • 3、The lack of support and resources for special education students has transformed me into a dissatisfied advocate, tirelessly fighting for equal opportunities and inclusion for all children, regardless of their abilities.
  • 4、The constant noise pollution from construction sites near my residence has turned me into a dissatisfied resident, unable to find peace and tranquility in my own home, causing frustration and stress.
  • 5、The unresponsive management and disregard for employee feedback have turned me into a dissatisfied worker, feeling undervalued and underappreciated in a toxic work environment.
  • 6、The never-ending traffic congestion and lack of efficient public transportation options have transformed me into a dissatisfied commuter, constantly wasting time and energy in transit, causing frustration and impatience.
  • 7、The blatant disregard for environmental regulations and the destruction of natural habitats has turned me into a dissatisfied environmentalist, fearing for the future of our planet and desperately advocating for sustainability and conservation.
  • 8、The constant interruptions and distractions in the workplace have turned me into a dissatisfied employee, unable to focus or complete tasks efficiently, resulting in frustration and decreased productivity.
  • 9、The gaslighting and manipulation from toxic relationships have transformed me into a dissatisfied individual, desperately seeking self-worth and healing from emotional abuse.
  • 10、The lack of accessible infrastructure and accommodations for individuals with disabilities has turned me into a dissatisfied advocate, fighting for equal rights and inclusion for all members of society.
  • 11、可能给不满者一个制造病毒的理由。
  • 12、不过第二天有个事情非常明显:艾尔德利法对不满者宣布,一切都恢复秩序。
  • 13、爱国热情和经济增长有助于遏制国内不满者的动荡。
  • 14、停工斗争是由一些不满者引起的,他们觉得在职位晋升时被忽略了。
  • 15、不满者的嫉妒,是成功的温度计。
  • 16、学历社会将为社会成员贴上新的标签,并且这标签对失败者心理上的伤害最大:在以往的社会中失败者可以以游戏规则的不公正为遁辞,而在一个游戏规则的平等被广泛承认的社会中,除了个人的能力底下无能外,几乎没有给其他解释留下任何余地。心理的伤害是一个文明社会必须严肃对待的事情,否则它将覆灭于不满者的反叛。郑也夫
  • 17、官方努力阻止那些来自于其他省份的不满者在奥运期间进入首都。
  • 18、那些对某些人或组织的财富和权势心存不满者有危险了。
  • 19、*访局长*访,这的确是一幕颇有些“因果论”的黑色场景,以至于引得某些不满者发出“*访局局长也有*访的一天,真是报应啊”的嘲讽。