最后更新于:2024-08-29 13:56:29
- 1、运用摄动理论,对一四跨连续梁桥有限元模型,进行了各单元损伤时前四阶弯曲振动的特征值灵敏度分析。
- 2、学员在上课过程中如遇任何意外以致身体损伤,本工作室将不负任何法律责任。请学员在参与培训前确保自身身体条件适合运动。
- 3、After the car accident, she suffered severe physical and emotional damage, as the trauma caused a lasting injury that would take months to heal.
- 4、The loss of her loved one had a profound impact on her, leaving her with a deep emotional wound that would take years to heal.
- 5、The betrayal by her best friend left her heartbroken and shattered, as the damage inflicted on their friendship was irreparable.
- 6、The constant criticism and belittlement from her parents damaged her self-esteem, leaving her with deep insecurities and a fear of failure.
- 7、The war-torn village was a heartbreaking sight, the destruction and devastation causing immeasurable pain and suffering to its inhabitants.
- 8、The relentless bullying at school caused immeasurable harm to her mental health, leaving her with long-lasting emotional scars.
- 9、The natural disaster tore through the small town, leaving behind a trail of destruction and sorrow that would take years to rebuild.
- 10、The scandal damaged the reputation of the company, causing significant financial losses and a loss of trust from their customers.
- 11、The toxic relationship she was in for years took a toll on her, damaging her self-worth and leaving her emotionally drained and broken.
- 12、The false accusations made against him not only damaged his reputation but also had severe consequences on his personal and professional life.
- 13、The fire that engulfed their home not only destroyed their belongings but also left a deep emotional wound, as they lost everything they had built over the years.
- 14、The long-term exposure to environmental pollutants had a detrimental effect on his health, causing irreversible damage to his lungs.
- 15、The scandalous news article painted him in a negative light, damaging his public image and causing immense distress to his family.
- 16、The betrayal by her partner shattered her trust in relationships, leaving her emotionally scarred and unwilling to open up to others.
- 17、The cyberbullying she faced online had a profound impact on her mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and thoughts of self-harm.
- 18、The loss of her job not only affected her financial stability but also damaged her self-confidence, leaving her feeling worthless and defeated.
- 19、The excessive use of technology and social media had a negative impact on their interpersonal relationships, damaging their ability to connect on a deeper level.
- 20、为了避免再次损伤,可以采用水中跑步、循环或者使用踏步机开始训练。
- 21、不要因为一点小事损伤同学之间的感情。
- 22、目的:探讨放射损伤对肠粘膜免疫的影响。
- 23、结论:纤维连接蛋白和HSP70的阳性表达是心肌缺血和损伤的灵敏指标,对推断冠心病猝死具有一定的实际应用价值。
- 24、你不要在盛怒之下做出什么事来,损伤到我或者你的母亲.
- 25、但当人们同时服用立普妥、西乐葆萘普生钠时肝损伤几率增加.
- 26、教人要从小教起。幼儿比如幼苗,培养得宜,方能发芽滋长,否则幼年受了损伤,即不夭折,也难成材。
- 27、目的:探讨面神经损伤与修复条件下,面神经核运动神经元信号转导子和转录激活子3的活性以及DNA结合活性的变化。
- 28、你有信仰就年轻,迷惑就大哥;有自信就年轻,畏惧就大哥;有盼望就年轻,绝望就大哥;岁月使你皮肤起皱,但是失去了热忱,就损伤了灵魂。
- 29、目的探讨胰岛素对烟雾吸入性损伤大鼠肺的保护作用。
- 30、如果你过分珍爱自我的羽毛,不使它受一点损伤,那麽你将失去两只翅膀,永远不再能够凌空飞翔。
- 31、多数人认为勇气就是不害怕。现在让我来告诉你,不害怕不是勇气,它是某种脑损伤。勇气是尽管你感觉害怕,但仍能迎难而上;尽管你感觉痛苦,但仍能直接面对。
- 32、非酸性打底剂,不会损伤天然指甲,适用于任何凝胶和水晶产品,无异味.
- 33、方法是将一个来源于胚胎干细胞的新组织补片“缝到”或“粘到”心脏的损伤区域,让心肌再次成活。
- 34、新西兰一名妇女在接受爱人的热吻后,脖子上吻痕太深损伤血管,导致中风。
- 35、结果显示:控制性再灌注可减轻心肌超微结构损伤,降低心肌肌酸磷酸激酶释放及促进心脏功能的恢复。
- 36、就像早先提到的,牵开器使用过于积极可能损伤皮肤和肌肉组织。
- 37、本报北京8月7日电记者田雅婷通讯员匡远深对重症脑损伤患者如何科学合理使用镇痛镇静药物?如今有了专业性指导方案。
- 38、结论艾灸及烟条灸对大鼠急性胃黏膜损伤均具有一定的保护作用,其机制可能与诱导机体产生大量HSP70抑制炎性细胞因子的释放有关。
- 39、所以人们研究脑损伤,这些脑损伤能够引起,诸如失用症这样的运动控制障碍。
- 40、在损伤部位统计中发现,发生与背部、脚部、腕部、手掌部的损伤较高.
- 41、结论托特罗定是治疗脊髓损伤后逼尿肌反射亢进的安全有效药物。
- 42、爱,就注定了两个人一生的战争。因为彼此在乎,因为心中有爱,你才会管他,你才会不惜生气、不怕愤怒、宁可损伤身体也要和他争执、吵架。
- 43、在非损伤技术中,卢瑟福背散射是使用最广泛的技术之一.
- 44、纵然开玩笑,也不要损伤朋友。
- 45、利用传感器技术记录了落锤冲击试样过程中的速度曲线,计算了冲击动能和材料损伤时的能量吸收.
- 46、遭到损伤的采青通知润雪,清羽是个笑里藏刀心狠手辣的人,说本人酿成目前如许满是他害的。
- 47、目的:探讨损伤性后尿道闭锁、尿道膀胱假道的诊治方法.
- 48、结论:脂质过氧化损伤是脾虚三证的共同病理生理基础.
- 49、牙膏小,用处大,损伤烧伤轻轻涂,止血止痛防感染;风油精,用处妙,轻点蚊香滴几滴,驱蚊显效清香气。贴士送你,愿你生活如意!
- 50、计算机断层扫描等检测也可能揭示损伤迹象。