
最后更新于:2024-08-30 14:25:36

  • 1、两国元首全面总结中俄关系10年发展成果,并就下一个10年两国关系发展规划深入交换意见。
  • 2、推进新时期的中美关系,要积极拓展两国互利合作,为两国关系添加新动力。
  • 3、The development of strong and cooperative bilateral relations between China and the United States is crucial for maintaining global stability and promoting economic prosperity.
  • 4、Despite occasional disagreements, the longstanding friendship and cooperation between India and Russia have laid a solid foundation for deepening their bilateral relations in various fields.
  • 5、The mutual understanding and respect between Japan and South Korea are essential in order to overcome historical grievances and build a peaceful and prosperous future for both nations.
  • 6、The strategic partnership between Germany and France has proven to be instrumental in addressing common challenges, such as climate change and terrorism, and fostering greater regional integration within the European Union.
  • 7、The historical ties and shared values between Australia and New Zealand have created a unique partnership that strengthens regional stability, promotes economic growth, and enhances cultural exchange.
  • 8、The collaborative efforts between Brazil and Mexico to strengthen trade relations and cultural exchange will create new avenues for growth and deepen the friendship between the two nations.
  • 9、The close cooperation and mutual assistance between Kenya and Ethiopia in addressing regional security challenges and promoting economic development exemplify the strength and resilience of their bilateral relations.
  • 10、The strategic partnership between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates serves as a model for other countries in the Middle East, enabling them to effectively combat terrorism, uphold regional stability, and diversify their economies.
  • 11、The historic meeting between the leaders of North and South Korea aimed at establishing peaceful relations and denuclearization presents a newfound hope for stability and prosperity in the Korean Peninsula.
  • 12、Through joint efforts, Canada and the United Kingdom have consistently fostered collaboration on diplomatic, economic, and security issues, demonstrating the strength and resilience of their bilateral relations.
  • 13、The strategic alliance between Israel and the United States, based on shared values and common goals, has significantly contributed to regional security and enhanced collaboration on technological innovations.
  • 14、The long-standing friendship between Argentina and Brazil has transcended political differences, fostering economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and regional integration in Latin America.
  • 15、The continuous dialogue and cooperation between South Africa and Nigeria have played a crucial role in addressing regional challenges, promoting economic growth and social development in Africa.
  • 16、The robust and multifaceted partnership between Singapore and Malaysia has created numerous opportunities for economic collaboration, infrastructural development, and people-to-people exchanges.
  • 17、The sincere and mutually beneficial collaboration between Canada and Mexico has strengthened trade ties, fostered innovation, and nurtured cultural exchange, leading to enhanced bilateral relations.
  • 18、The close cultural and economic ties between Italy and Greece have engendered enduring friendship, regional stability, and shared prosperity, serving as an example of successful European cooperation.
  • 19、The historic visit of the Chinese President to Russia marked a milestone in their bilateral relations, paving the way for enhanced strategic cooperation, economic integration, and cultural exchange.
  • 20、The longstanding friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia have enabled both countries to overcome historical challenges, strengthen peace and stability, and foster economic development.
  • 21、The strategic partnership between Turkey and Qatar has played a pivotal role in achieving political stability, economic growth, and regional security, enhancing their bilateral relations.
  • 22、越方愿与中方以此为新起点,把越中两党两国关系提升到更高的发展水平。
  • 23、无论从战略层面上来看,还是从战术层面上来看,中俄两国都有结盟的理由,而且目前有迹象显示两国关系正日益密切,但这并不能说明中俄两国正走向结盟。
  • 24、作为中国诚挚的朋友,芬方愿意同中方一道,以建交60周年为契机,把两国关系不断推向前进。
  • 25、这对于中英两国尤为重要,因为两国关系已经超出了双边范畴,越来越需要在全球性问题上更紧密地合作。
  • 26、卡比拉感谢中方的热情接待,并赞同***关于两国关系的评价。
  • 27、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
  • 28、在华盛顿国防大学的演讲中,陈警告一旦中国感到被忽视,两国关系将受到损害。
  • 29、澳门问题的圆满解决,是中葡两国关系史上的一个重要里程碑。
  • 30、这里的华侨称,郑和在印尼以三保公的尊称闻名遐尔,郑和七次下西洋时多次访问这里,在中国和印尼两国关系史上有着极具重要的地位。
  • 31、但是就当前情况来说,双方的分歧已经公开化,两国关系也远不及一直以来那么友好。
  • 32、这是改善两国关系的良好契机,泰国他侬政府找到了桑。
  • 33、但仅仅更改一下名称,增加几项新的会议议程无法解决根本问题:除非美国坦率面对目前涉及到两国关系的一些难题,否则中国基本上不会作出让步。
  • 34、路易莎?迪奥戈说,莫方对两国关系的良好发展感到满意,感谢中方长期以来给予的巨大支持与帮助。
  • 35、建交27年来,两国关系发展顺利,孟加拉政府高度评价并衷心感谢中国政府多年为帮助孟加拉经济建设所提供的无私援助。
  • 36、此后两个世纪过去了,历史的潮流在很多方面拨正了我们两国关系的航向。
  • 37、同时,我们也相信,日中两国关系的友好会成为更多日中男女的红娘,成全更多的日中跨国婚姻,让两个民族融融洽洽成一家!
  • 38、双方在诚挚友好的气氛中回顾了中坦友好关系的历程,并就进一步发展两国关系达成共识。
  • 39、中国被访者普遍认为两国关系有所发展。
  • 40、解铃还须系铃人,挪方应为两国关系恢复和发展做出切实努力。
  • 41、两国政府首脑的互访将推动两国关系进一步发展。
  • 42、邦交正常化38年来,两国关系在各个领域都取得巨大成果,给双方带来重要利益。
  • 43、这次访问显示两国关系已经正常化.
  • 44、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 45、卡钦斯基会谈时称,美国在捷克和波兰建立反导基地将会使捷波两国关系得到加强,两国在这一问题上将采取共同行动。
  • 46、两国外长积极评价两国关系,一致同意继续推动中韩关系全面向前发展。
  • 47、中方对挪威坚持一个中国政策表示赞赏,愿与挪方共同努力,推动两国关系迈上新台阶。
  • 48、中国重视发展与厄立特里亚的关系,愿与厄方携手推动两国关系向前发展。
  • 49、李肇星说,近年来,中爱友好合作取得长足进展,中方对两国关系的发展前景充满信心。
  • 50、经贸合作是中韩关系的重要组成部分,在两国关系发展中起到了重要作用。