
最后更新于:2024-09-07 09:44:41

  • 1、群氓是一个正在丧失理智的团体…西塞罗
  • 2、研究表明,"情感会让人丧失理智"这个传统的至理名言与个人对事物的理解能力有关,而不在于情感有多强烈。
  • 3、Standing on the edge of the cliff, a sense of despair engulfed him, and he could feel his sanity slipping away, consumed by a torrent of overwhelming emotions, leaving him completely bereft of reason.
  • 4、Inthe midst of a heated argument, her anger reached such a boiling point that she lost all control over her actions and words, descending into a state of utter irrationality.
  • 5、The news of his betrayal hit her like a thunderbolt, shattering her trust and provoking a surge of devastation that gradually eroded her sanity, leaving her in a state of complete emotional chaos.
  • 6、Asthe flames danced wildly around them, their fear overpowered their rational thinking, and a sense of uncontrollable panic set in, causing them to lose all grasp on reality.
  • 7、The loss of her beloved pet pushed her to the breaking point, and she could feel the fragile threads holding her sanity together unraveling, as grief and sorrow flooded every inch of her being.
  • 8、Engulfed by a sea of depression and hopelessness, she found herself drowning in her own dark thoughts, her mind succumbing to a relentless storm of negativity, driving her into the depths of irrationality.
  • 9、The intense pressure and constant demands of their high-stakes job took a toll on their mental well-being, leading them down a treacherous path, where reason evaporated, and they lost themselves to a perpetual state of frenzy.
  • 10、Inthe face of a seemingly insurmountable challenge, his determination wavered, and he teetered on the brink of despair, his mind buckling under the weight of defeat, surrendering to a world void of reason.
  • 11、The searing pain of heartbreak consumed him, suffocating his rationality and smothering his ability to think clearly, as he descended into a downward spiral of emotional chaos and recklessness.
  • 12、Overwhelmed by a constant barrage of stress and anxiety, she found herself teetering on the edge of sanity, as the strain pushed her fragile mind to the brink, causing it to crumble in a terrifying display of shattered reason.
  • 13、The loss of everything she held dear left her in a state of perpetual grief and despair, as her mind spiraled into a never-ending loop of shattered dreams and shattered sanity, leaving her utterly devoid of reason.
  • 14、Consumed by a relentless pursuit of perfection, she found herself trapped in an endless cycle of self-criticism and self-doubt, her mind slowly unraveling as she lost touch with reality, driven to the brink of madness.
  • 15、The weight of their unfulfilled dreams and the intense pressure to conform to societal expectations became too much to bear, causing them to lose their grip on reality, slipping into a world where reason held no sway.
  • 16、Retreating into a world of addiction and self-destruction, he willingly surrendered his rationality, numbing the pain and burying himself in a haze of self-indulgence, forsaking all sense of reason and consequence.
  • 17、The constant bombardment of negativity and criticism eroded his self-worth, leaving him feeling worthless and insignificant, as he slowly started losing his sanity, drifting further away from the shores of reason.
  • 18、The horrors he witnessed on the battlefield seeped into his very core, haunting his every thought and relentlessly chipping away at his sanity, until he lost all grip on reality, becoming a prisoner of his own shattered mind.
  • 19、Caught in a web of deceit and betrayal, she watched as her world crumbled around her, and the toxic emotions poisoned her mind, causing her to lose touch with reality, succumbing to a world of delusion and irrationality.
  • 20、The constant pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations weighed heavily on her, slowly erasing her individuality and sanity, until she existed as nothing more than a shell, completely divorced from reason.
  • 21、研究表明,“情感会让人丧失理智”这个传统的至理名言更多得是与个人对情感的理解能力有关,而不在于情感有多强烈。
  • 22、永远见不到明天朝阳,也不要总是憧憬未来,没有行动的憧憬只会是幻想,而且这种憧憬像是虚无缥缈,它使你丧失理智和意志,永远停留在远点,毕竟这个社会是在进步着的。而你永远不会进步。
  • 23、在这情况下,武天也只能尽力的紧守心神勉强抵御,免於丧失理智
  • 24、丧失理智。一定事出有因,不然就是没有理智.“总有些事情会让你丧失理智,除非你根本没有理智可供丧失”。弗兰克尔
  • 25、要会疏导愤怒情绪。应该看到,发怒时容易丧失理智,会把能够办好的事情搞糟。因此,勃然大怒时要想到"制怒"二字,防止干出蠢事,与其事后后悔不如事前自制,这样就会使自己息怒,待冷静下来后再想方设法解决问题。
  • 26、爱情是美好的,但有时也会使人丧失理智,济阳一男子就被爱情冲昏了头,爱上了堂嫂。
  • 27、一个男人,不管是谁,自尊心受到伤害时,都会铤而走险,做出丧失理智的事。
  • 28、他们怀着刻骨铭心的仇恨,偏执、极端、丧失理智、冥顽不化,在冤仇的陷阱中难以自拔。
  • 29、他对我笑一笑,我就丧失理智了,哪怕他说月亮是方的,我也会跟着附和:对!每个角都是直角!—程落熏。独木舟
  • 30、丧失理智的曹刚最后拿出一把裁纸刀,拖住阿芬,向她的脖子、身上割刺下去。
  • 31、红酒能抚慰人们的情绪,让人忘记烦恼,使我们恢复生气,重燃生命之火。小小一口红酒,会如最甜美的晨露般渗入我们的五脏六腑……红酒不会令我们丧失理智,它只会带给我们满心的喜悦。