
最后更新于:2024-09-07 09:51:23

  • 1、据文中介绍,在与被巡视对象进行个别谈话时,是以“二对一”还是“一对一”的形式进行,可以视具体情况而定,怎么有效怎么谈。
  • 2、五个巡视组共个别谈话5611人次。
  • 3、Iad a personal conversation with my best friend yesterday, and we opened up about our fears and insecurities, providing each other with support and encouragement.
  • 4、The one-on-one talk with my boss was a turning point in my career, as he recognized my potential and offered me a promotion.
  • 5、During our individual conversation, my parents explained the value of hard work and the importance of perseverance, which motivated me to excel in my studies.
  • 6、The heart-to-heart conversation with my partner helped us resolve our differences and strengthen our bond, reminding us why we fell in love in the first place.
  • 7、The private talk with my mentor enlightened me about my strengths and weaknesses, guiding me towards the right career path.
  • 8、The intimate conversation with my grandmother revealed her life experiences and wisdom, reminding me of the importance of cherishing each moment.
  • 9、During our one-on-one chat, my therapist provided me with the tools and strategies to overcome anxiety, allowing me to regain control of my life.
  • 10、The individual dialogue with the school counselor helped me uncover my true passion and set goals for my future.
  • 11、The confidential conversation with my attorney resulted in a fair settlement, protecting my rights and interests in the legal proceedings.
  • 12、The personal discussion with my friend about mental health destigmatized the topic, creating a safe space for us to open up and provide support to one another.
  • 13、In the private conversation with my coach, he challenged me to push my limits and discover my true potential, leading to personal and athletic growth.
  • 14、During our one-on-one interview, the celebrity shared intimate details about their upbringing and struggles, providing insight into the challenges they faced.
  • 15、The individual talk with my financial advisor helped me understand the importance of budgeting and investing, setting me on the path to financial security.
  • 16、The personal conversation with my spiritual guide provided me with solace and a sense of purpose, guiding me through difficult times.
  • 17、In our private discussion, my teacher acknowledged my efforts and progress, boosting my confidence and motivating me to work even harder.
  • 18、The intimate talk with my sibling allowed us to mend our strained relationship and rebuild trust, paving the way for a stronger bond.
  • 19、24日,央视新闻联播用长达3分钟的报道,披露了巡视组巡视中石化工作动员会召开情况,镜头中曝光了巡视组工作手册、办公环境、个别谈话情况等细节画面。
  • 20、“个别谈话”是巡视组最经常使用的工作方式。
  • 21、并且,以学生对罪犯进行个别谈话的模拟活动结果,作为评价教学活动成效的依据。
  • 22、我个人的个别谈话,赞颂康普茶,引人注意的是对于癌症。
  • 23、当天,央视新闻联播用长达3分钟的报道,披露了巡视组巡视中石化工作动员会召开情况,镜头中曝光了巡视组工作手册、办公环境、个别谈话情况等细节画面。
  • 24、老师找学生们个别谈话
  • 25、阎对集训团干部非常重视,每日亲自到团个别谈话
  • 26、多数人在民主测评中“同意提拔”的勾子照打,在个别谈话时“溢美之词”照说;除非少数特别正直或者有直接利害关系的人,才会撕破脸皮,道出其劣迹。
  • 27、个别谈话时,对方是单独一人,但巡视组最少要有两人,一方面方便记录,另一方面也是为了让谈话内容能更准确客观地记下来。
  • 28、“个别谈话”对象少则一二百人,多则三四百人。
  • 29、昨日,央视新闻联播用长达3分钟的报道,披露了巡视组巡视中石化工作动员会召开情况,镜头中曝光了巡视组工作手册、办公环境、个别谈话情况等细节画面。
  • 30、这次谈话的形式不是以往领导与干部“一对一”的个别谈话或“一对多”的集体谈话,而是班子集体与新任干部逐一会面的“多对一”谈话。
  • 31、中国最高人民法院发言人王少南21日说,对国内的试点省级高院及所辖单位进行的司法巡查中,已与各级人民法院的千余名官员个别谈话
  • 32、“个别谈话”的方式,分组进行。
  • 33、24日晚间,央视新闻联播用长达3分钟的报道,披露了第六巡视组巡视中石化的情况,其中包括巡视组工作手册、办公环境、个别谈话等细节画面。
  • 34、按照工作方案,暗访人员还抽取机关干部,就该单位作风建设有关情况进行个别谈话
  • 35、谈话一般以个别谈话方式为主,也可采取集体方式;谈话过程中要把握好谈话方法,实现良性互动。