
最后更新于:2024-09-07 17:14:11

  • 1、寻寻觅觅,地上没有人民币;冷冷清清,北风呼啸到冬季;凄凄惨惨戚戚,没人懂我相思意。世界好友周,我还是主动出击吧,祝你快乐如意,事事顺利。
  • 2、与其就这样抱怨,还不如主动出击,将主动权掌握在自己的手里。
  • 3、Inorder to seize the opportunity and prove my capabilities, I decided to take the initiative and launch a new business venture in a highly competitive market.
  • 4、Seeing the suffering of the less fortunate, she couldn't stand by and do nothing. In an act of compassion, she took the initiative to organize a charity event and raised funds to help those in need.
  • 5、The team was facing a tough challenge, and in order to turn the tide, the captain encouraged his players to be proactive and take the initiative in every play.
  • 6、Asa student leader, I believed that it was crucial to take the initiative in creating a positive and inclusive environment on campus. I organized workshops, events, and discussions to foster understanding and unity among my peers.
  • 7、The company was facing intense competition and struggling to stay afloat. The CEO realized it was time to take the initiative and launch a new product line to attract customers and regain market share.
  • 8、After years of self-doubt and hesitation, she finally decided to take the initiative and pursue her dream of becoming a writer. She enrolled in writing classes, attended workshops, and started submitting her work to publishers.
  • 9、Realizing the importance of work-life balance, the company's management encouraged employees to take the initiative and prioritize personal well-being. They introduced flexible working hours and wellness programs to support their staff.
  • 10、When faced with a disagreement, instead of waiting for the other person to make amends, she took the initiative and initiated a constructive conversation to resolve the issue and mend the relationship.
  • 11、Recognizing the potential of online marketing, the entrepreneur took the initiative and developed a digital marketing strategy to reach a wider audience and increase sales.
  • 12、In order to promote gender equality and diversity in the workplace, the company implemented policies and initiatives that encouraged women to take the initiative and pursue leadership roles.
  • 13、The teacher believed in empowering her students, so she created a classroom environment that encouraged them to take the initiative and explore their interests through project-based learning.
  • 14、The country was facing an economic crisis, and in an attempt to revive the economy, the government took the initiative and implemented reforms to attract foreign investment and stimulate growth.
  • 15、The artist's career was stagnating, so she decided to take the initiative and organize her own art exhibition, showcasing her latest works and inviting critics and potential buyers.
  • 16、In order to foster a sense of community, the neighborhood association took the initiative and organized regular events and activities where residents could come together and socialize.
  • 17、县令钱老爷一看这事端严重啊,给这迷着,还不如主动出击,来个立功赎罪,把自己给摘个清身。
  • 18、他们把招商、招展工作作为重中之重,外引内联,主动出击,取得了显著成效。
  • 19、蒋鼎文和汤恩伯对统帅部的命令是阳奉阴违,又畏敌如虎,怎么可能主动出击!
  • 20、会上提出“动态防卫军力”的提议,该提议将增加日本通过及时处置、主动出击而形成的威慑力量的可靠性。
  • 21、面对市场不景气、产能剧增的严峻挑战,公司将转变工作思路,采用以产定销和以销促产的经营策略,主动出击,全方位拓展高端和中低端市场,提升市场份额。
  • 22、想了想,刘永强对豹哥他们说:“十二小杀这次不用说都会很快采取报复行动的,与其被动挨打还不如趁早主动出击
  • 23、过了这个兴奋劲,老单静下心来,开始思考以后的修炼计划,虽说这怪物攻城频率比较高,但是等待机会不是老单的风格,主动出击才是王道。
  • 24、如果我孤单一人,没有陪伴没有归属没有找到在这世上另一个自己,那么我会义无反顾的向前,去旅行去探求未知,主动出击,寻找,因为在这世上有些事总要去做,有些人总要去找。
  • 25、对涉嫌吃拿卡要、办“关系案、人情案、金钱案”的,要做到“主动出击”、“露头就打”,不让其“养成坐大”。
  • 26、可以想见,在区域合作与梯度发展的格局中,广东的企业因势乘便,主动出击,将不同区域的优势结合起来,一定会取得很大的发展。
  • 27、久业搬场物流公司主动出击,承揽了淘宝网的商品配送业务;海博搬场公司采取灵活战略,包车搬运与定点送货结合,日前与申美饮料公司签下运输合同。
  • 28、在这种背景下,传统等客上门的生意方式已经落后,主动出击才有可能拥有更好的生意机会。
  • 29、经过浴血苦战,不但顶住了敌军的攻势,还主动出击,利用夜暗将美韩军分割成数段,打起了歼灭战。
  • 30、在学习和工作上,只要我们选准方向,选对方法,策马奔腾,主动出击,就有可能达到马到成功的结果。
  • 31、对美女要主动出击,不仅要善于“抛光”,更要懂得“放电”;对美女的进攻要善于“纳光”,更要勇于“开光”。1.11是小光棍节,愿你出入成双结对!
  • 32、李自成与刘宗敏合作,据山为阵,不仅如此,过年后的正月初四,李自成主动出击,派将军刘芳亮率领千余人进攻多铎,结果,被图赖率领清兵揍了一顿。
  • 33、记者昨天从自治区商务厅获悉,在波兰华沙刚刚结束的第65届世界镁协大会上,宁夏代表团主动出击,向世界同行推介自己的同时签得大单归。
  • 34、愚人节行走江湖,得怀揣三十六计,练就金刚不坏之体。遭遇整蛊,要奋起反击。遇到老实的,要主动出击。遇到落单的,要毫无犹豫。遇到狡猾的,趁早溜之大吉。愚人节快乐!
  • 35、林冲也不客气,冲着王进一抱拳朗生说道:我等坐在这里守株待兔不如主动出击,这样即可以消灭西夏的主力,也可以为我们收复南宋打下良好的基础。
  • 36、是易经中履险如夷的行动准则,也是主动出击,值得犯难的最佳时机。
  • 37、为了缓解对美贸易摩擦,日本同时表现出消极应付和主动出击两方面的特征,即“反应性”和“战略性”并存。
  • 38、北约方面对此说未敢苟同,强调北约仍然是一个防御性的组织,不会主动出击去自找麻烦。
  • 39、我们每个人都处于千钧一发的危险之中。我们不能等待危险的到来,而是应该迎着危险主动出击。大仲马
  • 40、竟然会在和势钧力敌的对手交手时,主动出击导致自己露出破绽,现在还被他步步紧逼,完全陷入了被动挨打的境地。
  • 41、成功者凡事主动出击
  • 42、人这一辈子,碰不上几个自己真正喜欢的人,所以若碰上了就不要退却,因为退却了,也许这一生就再没有机会了。世上的幸福最终都是属于主动出击的人的!
  • 43、人际关系决定一切。要主动积极地去结交新朋友。凡事一定要主动出击!要不断地请教成功者,询问他们成功的方法和意见。
  • 44、或者他们也可能不采取任何预防性的措施,而是尽量主动出击,消灭那些会侵害到他们客户的犯罪分子。
  • 45、黑色总是神秘,务必做好自己。暗恋没有出息,可以主动出击。暗语大可不必,相亲最有效率。黑*情人节,愿你我行我素,真爱双飞双宿,知之小工具一生一世幸福!
  • 46、任何事情都只能主动出击,与其踌躇不前倒不如放手一搏,总比呆坐干着急强了百倍,闲转了一会后,楚蝠直接走进了百全商行。知之小工具
  • 47、为推动乾安县新一轮振兴发展,乾安县紧紧抓住“民企吉林行”活动这一有利契机,制定方案,主动出击,走进民营企业,积极开展叩门招商活动,取得了显著效果。
  • 48、回国,搞房地产开科技公司都是掩护,主要还是为了报仇雪恨,他和刘飞之间的仇恨已经到了不死不休的地步,现在必须主动出击,把这个道貌岸然的家伙拉下马。
  • 49、针对金融风暴的冲击,沃尔玛不是坐困愁城,而是审时度势,在价格、品类、布局、营销等方面积极应对,主动出击,收到了良好的绩效。对我们也是很好的启示。
  • 50、人际关系是:有舍才有得。主动出击,先去满足对方的自我。