
最后更新于:2024-08-29 17:22:02

  • 1、权力欲是一种最臭名照著的欲望。塔西佗
  • 2、一个人的欲望如果只是追求金钱和权势,他就永远不能满足,也便永远不能快乐。
  • 3、The burning desire in his heart, fueled by his ambition and dreams, pushed him to work tirelessly towards his goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur, against all odds.
  • 4、With an insatiable desire for knowledge, she immersed herself in books, journals, and online courses, determined to expand her mind and broaden her horizons.
  • 5、The smoldering desire between them was undeniable, as their eyes locked in a heated gaze, and their hearts raced in synchrony, unable to resist the magnetic pull of their love.
  • 6、Despite facing numerous setbacks and obstacles, her burning desire to make a positive impact on society never wavered, driving her to start a non-profit organization that empowered disadvantaged communities.
  • 7、The allure of the unknown beckoned him, stirring his curiosity and fueling his desire to travel and explore the world, eager to experience different cultures, cuisines, and landscapes.
  • 8、Inthe depths of her heart, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world, she harbored a secret desire to be seen, validated, and loved for who she truly was, free from judgment and expectations.
  • 9、Her eyes gleamed with a mix of determination and desire as she stood on the podium, ready to prove to the world that she was a force to be reckoned with in the world of sports.
  • 10、Captivated by the tantalizing scent of freshly baked bread, she couldn't resist the strong desire to tear into it, savoring each warm, fluffy bite that melted in her mouth.
  • 11、His longing for her touch grew with each passing day, as he yearned to wrap his arms around her, inhale her familiar scent, and feel the warmth of her love enveloping him completely.
  • 12、The glimmer of success in his eyes reflected his unwavering desire to climb the corporate ladder, make a name for himself, and achieve the financial stability he had always dreamed of.
  • 13、The desire for solitude pulled her away from the bustling city streets, leading her to a secluded cabin in the woods, where she could find solace and reconnect with her inner self.
  • 14、The desire to create art, to express the emotions locked within her soul, consumed her every waking moment, as she painted vivid strokes of color onto canvas, bringing her visions to life.
  • 15、Driven by a burning desire for revenge, he plotted his meticulous plan, ensuring that those who wronged him would pay for their actions, never considering the consequences of his actions.
  • 16、理想不可无,傲气不可有,钱财不可贪,欲望不可纵。
  • 17、怎样在无限的欲望中求得有限,这也是一种艺术。
  • 18、生老、病、死、忧伤和失望,跟自己不喜欢的人在一起,永不满足的欲望,这些存在的属性都是苦!
  • 19、一个人倘若需要从思想中得到快乐,那么他的第一个欲望就是学习。王小波
  • 20、当被欲望控制时,你是渺小的;当被热情激发时,你是伟大的。
  • 21、一点点的知识是危险的,但是一点点的求知欲望也是危险的。
  • 22、只有一个男子的专恋能够适应一个少女的初恋要求;也只有少女的初恋能够满足一个男子的末恋的欲望
  • 23、把自己的欲望降到最低点,把自己的理性升华到最高点,就是圣人。
  • 24、在饱极生厌的边缘,欲望依旧是地限的。
  • 25、亮亮是个10岁的男孩,长得虎头虎脑,特别是淡眉下那双黑葡萄似的眼睛,滴溜溜地不停地四下张望,充满着强烈的求知欲望
  • 26、做媒和做母亲是女人的两个基本欲望
  • 27、欲望不满足的人,得一寸想进一尺,就像在香花绿树中游玩的苍蝇。馨香的花朵,甘美的果实,原来可以尽情享受。怎奈不知足的苍蝇偏偏要去吃象耳中流出来的臭水。等到象耳扇动,苍蝇便死在象耳下了。
  • 28、梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。
  • 29、人,真正的名字是欲望。所以你得知道,消灭恐慌最有效的办法就是消灭欲望。可是我还知道,消灭人性最好的办法就是消灭欲望。那么,是消灭欲望的同时也消灭恐慌呢,还是保留欲望的同时也保留人生。
  • 30、好胜不是别的,就是我们所发生对于一物的欲望,其起因乃由于我们想象着其他与我同类的人,也具有同样的欲望
  • 31、欲望是人遭受磨难的根源。诚然,欲望可以使人得到欢乐和幸福;但这欢乐、幸福的背后却是苦难,乐极是要生悲的;一切欲望实现之后,却也免不了灾难。
  • 32、要想向我学知识,你必须先有强烈的求知欲望,就像你有强烈的求生欲望一样。
  • 33、物质欲望是无穷的,为了保持清廉,必要时过一过箪食瓢饮的生活很有好处。
  • 34、放纵欲望可使青年贪欲;扼制欲望可使青年安生。
  • 35、爱情像存款里的钱一样少得可怜,孤单和欲望却像贷款一样不停地自动生息。
  • 36、当一个人专为自己打算的时候,他追求幸福的欲望只有在非常罕见的情况下才能得到满足,而且决不是对己对人都有利。恩格斯
  • 37、地球所提供的足以满足每个人的需要,但不足以填满每个人的欲望
  • 38、功名欲是人类一种不合情理的欲望;甚至连哲学家们自己似乎也极不愿意摈弃追求功名锭个弱点。蒙田
  • 39、险中有夷、危中有利,要想有卓越的成果,就应当敢于冒险。只有对成功的欲望,但却不敢冒险,伟大目标怕是早晚会成蹉跎;渴望成功但又怕担风险,往往就会在关键时刻失去良机。
  • 40、现在的年轻人想买大房子、开好车、娶漂亮老婆,这是欲望不是理想。但这都是正常欲望,我们这一代承认欲望,不承认理想。陈丹青
  • 41、流水离开河道,定会泛滥成灾;欲望失去控制,势必酿造悲剧。
  • 42、是人就不会满足,永远挣扎在欲望的泥泽里。有几个人能明白知足常乐的道理呢?
  • 43、人生是一场无休、无歇、无情的战斗,凡是要做个够得上称为人的人,都得时时刻刻向无形的敌人作战。本能中那些致人死命的力量,乱人心意的欲望,暧昧的念头,使你堕落使你自行毁灭的念头,都是这一类的顽敌。罗曼·罗兰
  • 44、现代的医学神话应对所有热中追求健康者负起责任。你已经将对于健康、青春及长寿的欲望,提升到宗教的地位了。
  • 45、当今社会,为什么有人陷入欲望的沟壑他活着,没有好好地细品人生之味,他把权力,金钱看得过重了,而不知道用一份平淡品味人生的清茶。
  • 46、人的欲望不可能都实现,不能的事情不可太强求;学会控制自我,明白自己的理想、人生价值、需求生活方式,面对现实,把握自己,珍惜人生。
  • 47、让人失去理智的,常常是外界的诱惑;让人耗尽心力的,往往是自己的欲望
  • 48、心平才能气和,气和才能人顺,人顺才能做事。……我觉得要心平,就是把欲望控制在一个自己能够驾驭的领域内。
  • 49、成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的欲望
  • 50、过著粗衣淡饭的生活,节制你的欲望,减少你的需要,在这种没有烦虑的适度生活里,你将可以发现满足。