
最后更新于:2024-08-29 17:22:41

  • 1、尽管丈母娘当面下跪、妻子苦苦哀劝,帅建华依然在冲动下捅伤了两个家庭的幸福;对亲人、对练士滔,他自称心怀歉意
  • 2、医院方面现在已经对停尸房的各项工作程序进行的严密地控制,也向两家人表示了歉意
  • 3、Im filled with deep regret and heartfelt sorrow for the pain and disappointment I have caused you; please accept my sincere apologies.
  • 4、Iould like to express my utmost remorse and sincere apologies for my thoughtless actions that hurt and let you down; I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • 5、Im genuinely sorry for my careless words that caused you distress and I truly regret any harm they may have caused; please accept my heartfelt apologies.
  • 6、Myheart is heavy with guilt and shame for the mistakes I have made, and I sincerely apologize for any distress or inconvenience I have caused you.
  • 7、Ieeply regret my thoughtless behavior and the pain it has caused you; I am truly sorry and I hope you can give me a chance to make it right.
  • 8、Iould like to extend my apologies for my insensitive remarks; I now realize how hurtful they were, and I deeply regret my words.
  • 9、Iincerely apologize for my lack of understanding and empathy; I now realize the impact of my actions and I am truly sorry for any pain I have caused.
  • 10、Im truly sorry for my impulsive actions that hurt you deeply; I regret not considering the consequences and I sincerely apologize for the pain I have caused.
  • 11、Iant to express my deepest apologies for my behavior that was disrespectful and hurtful; I am truly sorry and I regret my actions.
  • 12、Please accept my sincere apologies for my thoughtless behavior; I now understand the gravity of my actions and I am deeply sorry for any distress I have caused you.
  • 13、Iwant to apologize from the bottom of my heart for my thoughtless words; I deeply regret my actions and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • 14、Iam filled with regret and remorse for my actions that have let you down; I am truly sorry and I hope you can give me the opportunity to make amends.
  • 15、My sincere apologies for the mistakes I have made; I am genuinely sorry for any harm I may have caused and I deeply regret my actions.
  • 16、Iwant to express my heartfelt apologies for my behavior that disappointed and hurt you; I sincerely regret my actions and I hope you can forgive me.
  • 17、Iam deeply sorry for my lack of consideration and the distress it has caused you; please accept my apologies as I genuinely regret my actions.
  • 18、Iwant to extend my apologies for my thoughtless behavior that has hurt you deeply; I deeply regret my actions and I am truly sorry.
  • 19、Iapologize wholeheartedly for my insensitive remarks; I regret my words and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • 20、Isincerely apologize for my ignorant actions that have caused you pain; I now realize the hurt I have caused and I am deeply sorry.
  • 21、Please accept my sincerest apologies for the damage my actions have caused; I genuinely regret my behavior and the pain it has caused you.
  • 22、慕开贵说,厨师当时“舀油出来倒”的做法是不对的,这让大家对姜鸭面庄产生了误解,他对此表示歉意
  • 23、幽默可以用来消除隔阂、致以歉意,有礼拒绝,诚恳批评,让别人按照你的意愿行事而又不丢面子。
  • 24、虽然在心里为自己开脱了,不过他嘴上还是要表示一下歉意的,毕竟自己骂了对方,不道歉实在有点过意不去,即使他当着自己的面泡自己的马子,可是不知者无罪嘛。
  • 25、他对自己刚才粗暴的态度向顾客表示歉意
  • 26、大家好,我是高明骏,谢谢大家给我这个机会表达我最深的歉意
  • 27、因为脚,在他们看来,是“最低贱”的部位。如果你一不小心用脚碰了别人,用手触碰对方的手臂再触碰自己的头,以示歉意
  • 28、萧某在此再次郑重表示歉意,还望张掌门宽大为怀,多多海涵!
  • 29、兄弟就是给你找再**烦也只是吐吐舌头向你表示歉意,而不会声泪俱下求你原谅。
  • 30、然而,事实就是事实,我们的确都误解黎叔了,可惜,我们却再也无法表达对他的歉意与敬意,一曲幽明永隔调,令多少未亡人徒呼奈何啊。
  • 31、王萍和客户汤姆约好时间见面,但因事迟到,她表示歉意
  • 32、能从一个眼神中读出你的歉意才是你的真命天子,能从一个拥抱中感受你的不舍才是你的知己。虽然我们都不是偶像剧演员,但是爱你的人,是会代替镜头捕捉你所有的一举一动一矫一情。而那些需要你浪费时间去向TA解释一切的人,必定是上帝派过来害你的人,撤吧。
  • 33、当天深夜,赵薇接受娱乐现场电视采访,再次向全国人民表示歉意
  • 34、我伸出我的手,请求你舒展眉头;我睁开我的眸,期盼你别再忧愁;我低下我的头,希望你不要远走。我的自由请你没收,我的歉意请你接受。宝贝,原谅我好吗?
  • 35、日月含羞照人行,无言沉默泪晶莹;春夏秋冬时光变,唯有歉意情独钟;风清水静映身影,漫漫田野眼迷蒙;静待谅解信一封。
  • 36、马上要过情人节了,我在这里对你表一表爱意,送你一个Lv的包,一块Omega的表,一套Vov的化妆品,一辆Essence的汽车。可是我没钱呀,为了表示我的歉意,我把开头送给你,LOVE,祝你情人节快乐!
  • 37、晚上我出现在你的梦里,握一束爱的玫瑰,向你深深忏悔,如果你不要玫瑰,我会在你梦中永远不离去,直到你接受我的歉意
  • 38、还生气呢?是我的错,为表歉意教你“大禹治水”散气法:把生的气疏导到全身经脉,然后聚在屁股,啪,气就出来了。
  • 39、黄宗羲等人心中羞愧难当,就用拼死吃番椒的行为表达歉意
  • 40、如果你最后还是要拒绝邀请,记得在活动前通知主办人,并且事后第二天马上至上诚挚的歉意
  • 41、一个电话思念许久,一声妈妈静默许久,一阵叮嘱亲切许久,一脸歉意愧疚许久,一个借口说了许久。又到母亲节,多给母亲打几次电话,多回几次家!
  • 42、苏晨表示歉意说她不看电视,瓦尔特似乎有点失望。
  • 43、因为我的过错而伤害了你,虽然这是不可抗拒力造成的,但也不能成为我伤害你的借口,今天是忏悔节我向你表示歉意,对不起,因为我太帅,给你造成自卑。
  • 44、对于那次联赛,深表歉意,哪怕是在所有队友都极力关心以及安慰下,依旧深感不安,甚至其后常常以此自责自省。
  • 45、切断机,贵公司及其客户在使用中出现了不该有的质量问题,给贵公司及客户带来麻烦,我们深表歉意,并诚心道歉。
  • 46、柳青云现在心中有很多后悔的念头,那因为对自己曾经犯下的错误而后悔,对那些伤害过的人们表示歉意,但是他却找不出任何一件违犯大齐律令,以致于要陷身囹圄的事来。
  • 47、让我再次感谢我的同事们,让我为今天这一重要会议晚到了一会儿表示歉意
  • 48、祝酒完毕,周*来遵照医生的叮咛,没有再入座就席,他歉意地向临近的宾客握手告别后便提前退场了。
  • 49、原谅我,让我由衷的歉意来弥补爱的缺口;请你给爱一个出口;不让它成为我心灵的一个伤口,那样我会闷在里面发疯发狂的。求你了,原谅我好吗?
  • 50、有所求是一项巨大的资产,只要你态度谦和并表示了自己的歉意,你就可以离开会议这号杀手,这样你才能比那些全程参加会议的人产出更多。