最后更新于:2024-08-24 17:03:24
- 1、投简历,你的简历要做到引人注目的程度。扫厕所,你的厕所同样要做到引人瞩目的程度。
- 2、想匆匆忙忙地去完成一件事以期达到加快速度的目的,结果总是要失败的。伊索
- 3、The purpose of education is not just to accumulate knowledge, but to empower individuals with critical thinking skills and the ability to contribute positively to society.
- 4、Asan artist, my purpose is to evoke emotions and inspire change through my paintings, bridging the gap between reality and imagination.
- 5、The purpose of travel is to open our minds, broaden our perspectives, and connect with different cultures, ultimately fostering understanding and empathy.
- 6、The purpose of a leader is not to command and control, but rather to inspire and empower their team, driving collective growth and success.
- 7、The purpose of a good book is to transport readers to different worlds, ignite their imaginations, and provide a temporary escape from reality.
- 8、Mypurpose in pursuing a career in medicine is to alleviate the suffering of others, restore health, and promote overall well-being in my community.
- 9、The purpose of technology is to improve our lives, enhance efficiency, and solve complex problems, revolutionizing the way we live and work.
- 10、The purpose of art therapy is to provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions, heal from trauma, and discover their inner strength.
- 11、The purpose of exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just to look good, but to improve overall physical and mental well-being.
- 12、The purpose of meditation is to cultivate inner peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness, helping individuals navigate through life's challenges with clarity and resilience.
- 13、The purpose of scientific research is to explore the unknown, discover new knowledge, and advance our understanding of the world around us.
- 14、The purpose of a heartfelt apology is to acknowledge wrongdoing, take responsibility, and mend broken relationships, fostering forgiveness and growth.
- 15、The purpose of environmental conservation is to protect and preserve our natural resources, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
- 16、The purpose of a religious pilgrimage is to seek spiritual enlightenment, strengthen one's faith, and deepen the connection with a higher power.
- 17、The purpose of a heartfelt conversation is to deepen connections, foster understanding, and provide support during times of joy or hardship.
- 18、The purpose of cooking is not just to satisfy hunger, but to create mouthwatering dishes that nourish and bring people together, celebrating the joys of food and shared experiences.
- 19、The purpose of friendship is to provide companionship, support, and a sense of belonging, enriching our lives with love and shared memories.
- 20、科学的全部目的,就是有意识地取得大自然无代价的赋予青春的一切。屠格涅夫
- 21、瑟瑟秋风中,叶,漫无目的地摇曳着,回旋在凉意之中。这映在我甚是凄凉的眼眸里,思念汇成了泪滴,也随着这秋风,飘散开来。
- 22、文学总是预示生活。它不是模拟生活,而是按照自己的目的塑造生活。
- 23、父母溺爱和娇惯孩子,满足他们的任性要求,他们长成就会堕落,成为意志薄弱、自私自利的人。因此,父母的爱不应该是盲目的……捷尔任斯基
- 24、一个人内心没有了“忧”、“惑”“惧”,自然就减少对外界的报怨和指责,也就增强了把握幸福的能力,而增强把握幸福的能力,正是学习的终极目的。
- 25、不管你的老师如何,学着喜欢他,这样有助于你对他所教的科目的学习。
- 26、美好的记忆如同光彩夺目的珍珠,无论时间流逝多久,都磨洗不了它的光泽。打开锦盒,抚摸着一颗颗珍藏的珍珠,那思绪也随之散开……
- 27、荷叶上大滴的露珠,像璀璨的夜明珠一般发出眩目的光。
- 28、科学的真正的与合理的目的在于造福于人类生活,用新的发明和财富丰富人类生活。弗兰西斯·培根
- 29、保障家庭安全,提高家庭生活水平是社会文明的首要目标,也是一切努力的最终目的。
- 30、乐观是心胸豁达的表现,乐观是生理健康的目的,乐观是人际交往的基础,乐观是工作顺利的保证,乐观是避免挫折的法宝。
- 31、理想像灯塔一样,为我们指明前进的方向;像扬起的帆一样,引领我们朝着目的地起航!
- 32、忽然,眼前一片亮光,令人迫不及待的想抬头看个究竟。啊!原来是东方明珠电视塔发出了绚丽夺目的彩光!在黑夜的衬托下,整座塔上下全都发出彩色的光芒,黑夜就好像变成了白天,一个个小灯泡像天空中数不清的星星。
- 33、合理利润的获得,不仅是商人经营的目的,也是社会繁荣的基石。源自知之小工具
- 34、我本人不在故乡做生意,家乡的利润,基金会一块钱也不取!投资、捐赠,目的只有一个,就是希望国家兴旺、民族富强。
- 35、无目的读书是散步而不是学习。胡适
- 36、有财富而不用,从没有达到目的这个角度上一看。就等于没有财富。
- 37、记忆,是一份载着时光的薄册,轻轻地翻阅,就会扬起满目的尘埃,伴随着纷飞的残阳,犹如支离破碎的流年。
- 38、清晨,郁金香的花瓣上落下一滴滴小水珠,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,恰似一颗颗光彩夺目的小珍珠。突然,花瓣晃动了两下,几颗小珍珠合并成了一颗大珍珠镶嵌在亭亭玉立的郁金香上,给郁金香增添了几分色彩。
- 39、我们学习的目的,是为了使用,不是知识没有用,而是你没有使用,说明你没有用。
- 40、不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。
- 41、做任何事,只要你迈出了第一步,然后再一步步地走下去,你就会逐渐靠近你的目的地。如果你知道你的具体的目的地,而且向它迈出了第一步,你便走上了成功之路!
- 42、科学的惟一目的是减轻人类生存的苦难,科学家应为大多数人着想。伽利略
- 43、一个没有远大理想和崇高生活目的的人,就像一只没有翅膀的鸟,一台没有马达的机器,一盏没有钨丝的灯泡。
- 44、钱不应当是生命的目的,它只是生活的工具。
- 45、河流之所以能够到达目的地,知之小工具整理是因为它懂得怎样避开障碍。
- 46、自有戏剧以来,它的目的始终是反。莎士比亚
- 47、对每个领导者来讲,指挥的目的是根据企业的利益,使他单位里的所有的人做出最好的贡献。亨利·法约尔
- 48、尤其到了六月,故乡的山水就像一幅迷人的风景画。这幅画中最精彩的一笔,就是村前村后那浩瀚的荷田,最令人赏心悦目的是,就是那千姿百态、美丽动人的荷花。
- 49、以经济合理的标准,美化产品造型,才能达到促销的目的,并形成一种美的文化。
- 50、如果一个人此生的目的就是追求那些用各种各样的世俗标准来衡量的成就,譬如名望、金钱、地位,那他就永远不能停歇,永远没有时间享受此生的快乐。