
最后更新于:2024-08-23 12:33:31

  • 1、王德强同志很有写作才能,既写得快,又写得好,几乎是"下笔成章"。
  • 2、阅读和写作是相互关联的,二者不可偏废。
  • 3、Inthe quiet solitude of my study, immersed in the world of words and imagination, I can feel the exhilarating power of writing coursing through my veins, as it allows me to paint the vivid tapestry of my thoughts onto the blank page, giving life to my unique perspective and emotions.
  • 4、AsI gaze upon the breathtaking sunset, my heart overflows with a torrent of emotions, longing to capture the ephemeral beauty in a delicate web of words woven with the utmost care and elegance, a testament to the timeless artistry of writing.
  • 5、With each stroke of my pen, I traverse the vast landscape of my mind, exploring the depths of my soul, unraveling the intricacies of human existence, and stitching together a narrative that resonates with the universal truths that bind us all.
  • 6、The written word possesses an enchanting aura, transcending the boundaries of time and space, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey, granting them glimpses into worlds unknown, and igniting a spark of empathy that bridges the gaps between strangers.
  • 7、Inthe realm of writing, I find solace in the cocoon of creativity, where the limitations of reality fade away, and the boundless realms of the imagination take flight, enabling me to craft a sanctuary of words that offers respite and inspiration to weary souls.
  • 8、Through the prism of storytelling, the human experience is distilled into its purest form, allowing us to find meaning amidst chaos, to heal the wounds of the past, and to celebrate the triumphs and tribulations that shape our collective consciousness.
  • 9、Writing is a rhythmic dance of ideas and emotions, a symphony composed of words, where each sentence is a carefully orchestrated note that strikes a resonant chord within the reader, leaving an indelible impression upon their heart and soul.
  • 10、In the realm of storytelling, I am both creator and witness, woven into the very fabric of the narrative, where I bear witness to the extraordinary lives of characters who whisper their secrets and dreams to me, urging me to share their stories with the world.
  • 11、With each word carefully chosen, I embark on a quest to capture the raw essence of human emotions, transforming the intangible into tangible, rendering invisible thoughts and feelings into a tangible form that resonates with readers from all walks of life.
  • 12、The beauty of writing lies not only in the act of creation but also in the act of connection, for through the written word, we are given the opportunity to commune with souls long gone, to bridge the chasms between cultures, and to cultivate empathy and understanding amongst humanity.
  • 13、Writing is an act of rebellion, an audacious declaration of our existence, as we defy the constraints and expectations imposed upon us, using the power of words to dismantle the walls that confine us and to carve out a space for our truth to flourish.
  • 14、The pen in my hand is my sword, my shield, and my guiding light, illuminating the darkest corners of my mind, vanquishing the demons of self-doubt and fear, and forging a path towards growth, self-discovery, and personal liberation.
  • 15、Writing is an eternal dance with vulnerability, as I lay bare the depths of my soul, exposing my fears, flaws, and hopes to the world, trusting that in my nakedness, I will find the strength to connect and inspire others on their own journey of self-discovery.
  • 16、Every blank page possesses the infinite potential for creation, a fertile canvas where my thoughts take root, sprouting into a symphony of ideas that blooms with every stroke, manifesting a captivating story that captivates the hearts of readers.
  • 17、Writing is the ultimate act of self-reflection, a mirror that reflects my innermost desires, fears, and convictions, allowing me to confront the complexities of my own existence and uncover the truths that lie dormant within.
  • 18、在哥哥还很小的时候,国文老师就发现了他的文学才华,认为孺子可教,频频鼓励他写作,终于造就他成为今日有名的作家。
  • 19、她说,很多人都不写作,他们只是放弃了一种深入自己内心的可能性,也许他们觉得生活本身就是最好的解决方式,不用对此发出疑问。写作与此相反。它始终要带着疑问和对抗行进。
  • 20、没完成作业,又想看电视,没办法,我只好双管齐下,一边写作业,一边看电视。
  • 21、智慧能使人写作,但创造历史的是热。费尔巴哈
  • 22、写作论说文,以开门见山的方式破题,也是常见的技巧。
  • 23、李文写作文往往一气呵成。
  • 24、只有动情写作的作品才能动人以情。柯尔律治
  • 25、"写作是一种爱好,每个人开始写作都是因为爱好。不管外面的人写啥,我自己有什么感想就写出来。"贾平凹谈对写作的看法。
  • 26、应该是散文的基本写作路不以上只是笔者对散文艺术形象的一隅之见,还需有识之上进一步多方探索。
  • 27、虽然我的数学成绩一直都不太理想,但是,我仍然专心听老师讲课,仍然认真写作业,仍然做好细致的复习。
  • 28、只要巴尔扎克一开始写作,除了他自己所创造出来的东西以外,在他周围就没有一样真实的了。
  • 29、从写作一年的埋头苦干到录制的如火如荼。
  • 30、如果按照瓦雷里的定义,古典主义的特征就是心头带着一位批评家,那么这一代诗人的美学趣味中还有浓厚的古典主义成分,因为这些诗人写作中显现出来的批评意识可谓昭然若揭。
  • 31、大家都在埋头写作业,我也不情愿的摊开作业本,装模作样地写起来。
  • 32、这位作家利用写作来抒发他生不逢辰的感慨。
  • 33、我一边写作业,一边想看电视。我一边听音乐,一边写字。
  • 34、写作文不能照搬例文,那样会像学步邯郸一样,是写不出好文章来的。
  • 35、酷爱写作的他很早就和文学结下了不解之缘。
  • 36、一些练习写作的青年,甚至少数作家,并没有摆脱唯心主义技巧论的影响。
  • 37、一边听音乐一边写作业是一件很美妙的事。
  • 38、我总是像小偷一样,不声不响地溜出去玩,目的是逃避写作业。
  • 39、珍惜时间就要合理地利用时间,能更好得利用琐碎时间。鲁迅说:“时间就像海绵里的水,只要挤总会有的。”“哪有什么天才,我不过是把别人喝咖啡的时间都用在写作上了”。所以真正懂得和安排时间、合理利用琐碎时间的人才是真正珍惜时间的人!
  • 40、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 41、鲁迅先生平易近人,常和学生们一起谈写作
  • 42、古人说:"行年五十,方知四十九之非。"我在漫画写作上,也有今是昨非之感。
  • 43、由于长期写作,久而久之,他的背就驼了。
  • 44、陈老师为了教育事业呕心沥血,退休以后他仍然从事写作工作,利用余热为培育祖国的花朵做贡献。
  • 45、我们写作文不要无的放矢,要有针对性。
  • 46、一点点自传加上很多的想像才是最佳的写作
  • 47、这是个两全其美的办法,让你既能写作施展抱负,又能有固定收入照顾家庭。
  • 48、越来越多的证据表明,妇女有写作侦探小说的特殊才能。
  • 49、由于他平时喜欢在写作上下功夫,所以不管写什么文章都可以信手拈来,一挥而就。
  • 50、第一次投稿到作文网成功,使我欣喜若狂,从此我就对写作产生了浓厚的兴趣。