最后更新于:2024-08-27 11:43:07
- 1、经济特区和内地展现出的大好形势禽犊之爱地说明,改革开放的政策是正确的。
- 2、构建社会主义和谐社会,必须以经济建设为中心。
- 3、The pandemic has severely impacted the global economy, leading to widespread job losses and economic uncertainty for millions of people around the world.
- 4、China's rapid economic growth over the past few decades has transformed it into a global economic powerhouse, contributing significantly to the overall development of the world.
- 5、The concept of sustainability is gaining increasing importance in the field of economics, as governments and businesses recognize the need to balance economic growth with environmental protection and social progress.
- 6、Inthe face of economic challenges, it is crucial for governments to implement effective policies to promote inclusive growth, ensuring that the benefits of economic development are shared by all segments of society.
- 7、The stock market crash of 1929, known as the Great Depression, demonstrated the devastating consequences of economic instability and highlighted the importance of robust financial regulations.
- 8、The rise of digital economy and e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering new opportunities for entrepreneurship and economic growth, while also posing challenges in areas such as job automation and cybersecurity.
- 9、Income inequality continues to be a pressing issue in many countries, as the gap between the rich and the poor widens, jeopardizing social cohesion and economic stability.
- 10、The decision to raise interest rates by the central bank can have far-reaching implications for the economy, influencing borrowing costs, investment, and consumer spending patterns.
- 11、Developing countries often face unique challenges in their quest for economic development, including lack of infrastructure, limited access to capital, and weak institutions.
- 12、In times of economic crisis, governments often resort to expansionary fiscal policies, such as increased public spending and tax cuts, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.
- 13、The European Union's single currency, the euro, has brought both benefits and challenges to member countries, forging closer economic integration while also exposing vulnerabilities to economic shocks.
- 14、The global demand for renewable energy sources is rising, presenting opportunities for countries to diversify their energy mix, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and stimulate economic growth in the clean energy sector.
- 15、Economic sanctions are often used as a diplomatic tool to influence the behavior of countries, but they can also have unintended consequences on innocent civilians and hinder global economic cooperation.
- 16、The concept of circular economy, which focuses on reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency, is gaining traction as a sustainable approach to economic development.
- 17、The emergence of the gig economy, characterized by short-term contracts and freelance work, challenges traditional notions of employment and calls for new policies to ensure workers' rights and social protections.
- 18、要不是没有经济来源早把你送精*病院了。
- 19、时间对于经济学者就是金钱,就是效率。随着改革开放的大潮,时间越来越被人们重视,往日工作散怠,做一天和尚撞一天钟,吃大锅饭的现象越来越少,呈现在眼前的是抓紧时间创造效益,创造财富。
- 20、中国之所以出现货币超发、流动性泛滥和资产泡沫,从根本上说,是因为采取了靠资源投入和净出口拉动的粗放的经济发展方式。弄得不好,别人在“去杠杆化”和消除泡沫,我们有可能“再杠杆化”和掀起泡沫。
- 21、上经济课,老师问投资跟投机有什么区别…一个大哥说:一个是普通话,一个是广东话……
- 22、时间对于学者来讲:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。”时间对于军事学家来讲,珍惜时间就是胜利。时间对于经济学者就是金钱,就是效率。
- 23、基于聪明的设想出现的创新数量极大,哪怕成功的百分比比较小,仍然成为开辟新行业、提供新职业、给经济增添新的活动面的相当巨大的源泉。德鲁克
- 24、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
- 25、自给自足和自然经济不能促进生产的飞跃发展。
- 26、关于宏观分析我们将继续对政治预言和经济预言置之不理,这些东西对于许多投资者和商人来说是代价按规的消遣。
- 27、厂里的经济效益不如往年,已是日落西山了。
- 28、以勤奋锤炼自己,用挫折萃取智慧。知天文、晓地理、通文史,只待他日激扬文字;专数哲、擅经济、精外语,时刻准备着,纵横天地。
- 29、经济造就大半人生,对经济的爱是。罗斯金
- 30、创企业经济效益创一流服务;灵活经营,开拓点心发展新思路。
- 31、历史上,每到新王朝初兴时期,总会破觚为圜,施行宽政,借以恢复生产,发展经济。
- 32、经济体制改革中,如果蹈常袭故,抱着计划经济的老皇历不放,就会被淘汰。
- 33、经常有针对性地阅读。每逢书中他自认为重要和有参考价值的地方,都加以摘要,并做笔记。马克思的一生虽然颠沛流离,经济经常陷入困境,生活十分艰难。但他依然克服各种困难,坚持读书和科研。
- 34、我对总体经济一窍不通,汇率与利率根本无法预测,好在我在做分析与选择投资标时根本不去理会它。
- 35、现任教育者,无不视当教员为苦途,以其无名无利也;殊不知其在经济上固甚苦,而实有无限之乐含在其中。
- 36、要维护市场经济的秩序,就必须坚决打击欺行霸市的不正当竞争。
- 37、银行、商行连续倒闭,落叶知秋,经济大萧条快要来临啦!
- 38、在市场经济还不完善的情况下,市场上免不了出现泥沙俱下、鱼龙混杂的现象,只要我们加强管理,就能把假冒伪劣产品逐步消灭干净。
- 39、我国改革开放以来,经济发展一日千里。
- 40、贞观年间,唐太宗李世民采取了休养生息的策略,使国家经济得以迅速恢复振兴。
- 41、随着经济的发展,我国人民的生活水平普遍得到提高。
- 42、哲学家不懂政治家的话,经济家不懂哲学家的话,而他们谁也不懂政治家的话。斯特林堡
- 43、每一历史时代的经济生产以及必然。高尔基
- 44、那种不与国外进行经济技术交流的做法,是吐丝自缚,固步自封。
- 45、全国经济形势好转了,水涨船高,人民的生活水平也就相应地提高了。
- 46、希望你不要认为自己拥有的股票仅仅是一纸价格每天都在变动的凭证,而且一旦某种经济事件或政治事件使你紧张不安就会成为你抛售的候选对象。相反,我希望你将自己想像成为企业的所有者之一,对这家企业你愿意无限期的投资,就像你与家庭中的其他成员合伙拥有的一个农场或一套公寓。
- 47、依法行政提升监管服务质量廉洁自律体现经济卫士风采。
- 48、在我们的社会中,劳动不仅是经济的范畴,而且是道德的范畴。马卡连柯
- 49、资本主义必不可免地要为新的社会制度所代替,这种制度将实行计划经济。
- 50、我觉得家里要是和和美美的,暖融融的国家才能更好的发展,更加的兴盛;国家要是十分的强大,富饶了,家中的经济也能更好,家中的人们就更享福,请问先爱家再爱国不是很好吗?