
最后更新于:2024-08-29 10:50:48

  • 1、即使同事做了对不起自己的事,也应以德报怨,注意发现对方的长处和优点来弥补自身的不足,增强团结。
  • 2、对待青年人,要看到他们的优点和长处,不能求全责备。
  • 3、His patience and understanding are his greatest strengths, which have helped him build strong relationships with his colleagues and clients.
  • 4、Her creativity and innovative thinking have allowed her to come up with unique solutions that no one else could have thought of.
  • 5、His ability to stay calm under pressure and make quick decisions in stressful situations has earned him the trust and respect of his team.
  • 6、His excellent communication skills enable him to effectively convey his ideas and persuade others to support his vision.
  • 7、Her strong leadership qualities and ability to inspire and motivate others have led to the growth and success of the team she manages.
  • 8、Heis known for his exceptional organizational skills, which allow him to efficiently manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines without compromising quality.
  • 9、Her positive attitude and optimistic outlook on life have had a contagious effect, inspiring those around her to approach challenges with a renewed sense of hope.
  • 10、Her adaptability and flexibility make her a valuable asset to any team, as she can easily adjust to new environments and handle unforeseen circumstances.
  • 11、His attention to detail and meticulousness not only ensure error-free work but also contribute to the overall quality and professionalism of the projects he undertakes.
  • 12、Her strong interpersonal skills and ability to build rapport with clients and stakeholders have greatly contributed to the success of her business ventures.
  • 13、His determination and perseverance have helped him overcome numerous obstacles and achieve his goals, proving that hard work pays off.
  • 14、Her deep sense of empathy and compassion make her an excellent caregiver, as she genuinely cares for the well-being and happiness of those under her care.
  • 15、His exceptional listening skills and genuine interest in others allow him to connect with people on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships.
  • 16、Her ability to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom has led to groundbreaking innovations in her field.
  • 17、His natural ability to inspire and motivate others has made him a sought-after mentor, helping individuals unlock their full potential and achieve success.
  • 18、His ability to remain calm and composed during conflicts and find peaceful resolutions has made him a valuable mediator in any contentious situation.
  • 19、这地方不仅太贵而且闻起来有股霉味。除了离圣马可还算比较近别无长处
  • 20、什么时候中国人能真正不卑不亢地以平常心对待世界一切强于我或弱于我的国家,既充满民族自信又虚心学习他人长处,既懂得保持民族精华,又能以开阔的胸怀对外来思想和文化,吞吐自如,那就是我们民族真正在精神上健康成熟的时候。
  • 21、尺短寸长,我们每一个同学都既有长处,又有短处,因此,需要互相学习,采长补短。
  • 22、在列出自己的情商能力表时,首先要了解你的长处
  • 23、兵随将转,无不可用之才。作为一个管理者,你可以不知道下属的短处,却不能不知道下属的长处
  • 24、没有比较,就显不出长处;没有欣赏的人,乌鸦的歌声也就和云雀一样。要是夜莺在白天杂在聒噪里歌唱,人家绝不以为它比鹪鹩唱得更美。多少事情因为逢到有利的环境,才能达到尽善的境界,博得一声恰当的赞赏。
  • 25、要看到别人的长处,不要总盯着人家的短处。
  • 26、他那种不夷不惠的性格,未尝不是一个长处
  • 27、我们应该看到别人的长处,不要自命不凡,孤芳自赏,夜郎自大。
  • 28、神的话不单记述神仆的长处,也会揭示他们的软弱。
  • 29、钉子有两个长处:一个是挤劲,一个是钻劲。我们在学习上也要提倡这种‘钉子精神’。
  • 30、别人有别人的长处,你有你的短处嘛!宁财神
  • 31、2007年5月,中泰战前,朱说"虽然我没办法了解这支泰国队的情况,但是我还是弄到他们过去比赛的录像。我基本上有了战术计划,抑制对手,打出我们的长处。"。
  • 32、油壁香车不再逢,峡云无迹任西东。梨花院落溶溶月,柳絮池塘淡淡风。几日寂寥伤酒后,一番萧瑟禁烟中。鱼书欲寄何由达,水远山长处处同。晏殊
  • 33、对人才的运用,仅仅限于收罗是远远不够的,重要的是对人才不仅要善于识别其长处,而且要敢于大胆地使用,以让其充分显示自己的才能。
  • 34、自信的人往往会发现自己的长处,从而发扬自己的长处。而自卑或者自负的人,不是发现不了自己的长处,就是骄傲自大,看不到自己的短处。所以说,自卑与自信是一对孪生子,这两者都以自我为中心。
  • 35、软件自由日是全世界草根的努力,它把有关自由与开源软件的长处和可用性的情况告诉人们。
  • 36、我也求了三个渴望,倘使要解签,没关系向后走走,由于反面的摊位绝对的长处
  • 37、有人说,朋友是一面镜子,而这样的朋友就像哈哈镜,你的不足是他的长处,有这样的参照,你就不会轻易沾沾自喜,你永远无法并行的朋友让你知耻而后勇。崔永元
  • 38、由于在泵浦波长处光纤的色散斜率为零,因此脉冲在光纤中传输时保持对称,并产生对称的超连续谱。
  • 39、可以大大减杀曹魏骑兵的威力,充分发挥兵精器利、擅长山地作战的刘蜀步兵的长处
  • 40、觉后必改,改后必不复,便是勇长处
  • 41、这家伙是有些长处的,但是也有着不少丧天害理的地方.
  • 42、经营自己的长处,能使你人生增值;经营你的短处,能使你人生贬值。
  • 43、既然能成为顶尖,他们每一个,都必定有其过人之处。只是**们往往只能看到成功者的缺点,却看不到别人的长处和付出的努力。三天两觉
  • 44、在利用无知的长处时,反辉格倾向就变成了一种自命不凡的形式,即科学史家具有了一种目光短浅的优越感,无视今日科学的成就。
  • 45、了解对手的特点、长处,在比赛时就会有所侧重所谓知己知彼、百战不殆者也。
  • 46、卓有成效的管理者善于用人之长。用人不在于如何减少人的短处,而在于如何发挥人的长处
  • 47、讨论:尺有所短,寸有所长,两者都有自己的长处,也可以有自己的短处。
  • 48、你感到自己被错待,无法完全发挥自己的长处和天赋。
  • 49、作为一个领导,你可以不知道下属的短处,却不能不知道下属的长处
  • 50、多以自己之长善补别人之短,多看别人的长处,越看越会顺眼,越处越会融洽。