
最后更新于:2024-09-13 17:16:00

  • 1、这卢瑟福,身材高高大大,花白的头发油腻肮脏,皱纹满脸,松松垮垮,厚厚的嘴唇像黑人一样嘟得挺高.
  • 2、卢瑟福利用了盖革和马斯顿的结果,并正确地作出了解释.
  • 3、Ernest Rutherford made significant contributions to the field of nuclear physics, and his experiments led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus.
  • 4、Rutherford's famous gold foil experiment revolutionized our understanding of the structure of an atom, revealing the existence of a tiny, densely-packed nucleus.
  • 5、The scientific journey undertaken by Rutherford paved the way for future advancements in nuclear energy and the unraveling of the mysteries of subatomic particles.
  • 6、Rutherford's determination and relentless pursuit of knowledge exemplify the true spirit of scientific exploration and discovery.
  • 7、The brilliance of Rutherford's mind and his ability to think outside the box allowed him to challenge existing theories and propose groundbreaking explanations.
  • 8、Rutherford's leadership and mentorship played a vital role in shaping the careers of many prominent scientists, who went on to make their own significant contributions to the field.
  • 9、The legacy of Rutherford continues to inspire young scientists today, encouraging them to question the unknown and push the boundaries of human understanding.
  • 10、Rutherford's unwavering commitment to scientific integrity and his insistence on rigorous experimental methodologies set a benchmark for future scientific investigations.
  • 11、The impact of Rutherford's discoveries extends far beyond the realm of physics, influencing advancements in medicine, energy production, and technology.
  • 12、The profound implications of Rutherford's work shed light on the fundamental nature of matter and energy, reshaping our understanding of the universe.
  • 13、Rutherford's contributions to science earned him numerous accolades and awards, solidifying his position as one of the most influential scientists in history.
  • 14、Rutherford's ability to communicate complex scientific concepts in a clear and accessible manner made him an exceptional teacher and science advocate.
  • 15、Rutherford's groundbreaking experiments not only challenged prevailing theories, but also ignited a scientific revolution that paved the way for future discoveries.
  • 16、The sheer brilliance of Rutherford's experimental design and his ability to draw insightful conclusions from his data highlight his exceptional scientific acumen.
  • 17、Rutherford's unwavering curiosity and unyielding commitment to unraveling the mysteries of the universe propelled him to the forefront of scientific exploration.
  • 18、Rutherford's discoveries opened up a new era of scientific exploration, providing a solid foundation for further advancements in our understanding of atomic and subatomic phenomena.
  • 19、The profound impact of Rutherford's work resonates across generations, inspiring scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore the frontiers of scientific understanding.
  • 20、Rutherford's revolutionary discoveries shattered existing paradigms, unlocking a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter.
  • 21、Rutherford's scientific ethos, characterized by intellectual honesty and adherence to rigorous scientific principles, set a standard for future generations of researchers.
  • 22、1937年10月19日,新西兰核物理学家卢瑟福逝世,享年66岁.
  • 23、卢瑟福的一位客人忍不住说道:‘我们这是在干什么?
  • 24、孙元起并没有太在意这封信,因为这封信只是日常的私人通讯,旨在策励远在加拿大的卢瑟福勇攀物理学巅峰。
  • 25、事实上这是现在用的一种分析技术,称作卢瑟福背散射,就是人们实际上看到的那样,这是鉴别物质样品的一种方法。
  • 26、第二章研究了卢瑟福任卡文迪什教授前取得的成就.
  • 27、卢瑟福的一个实验同事,叫做盖革,他发明了一种探测器。
  • 28、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 29、那天课的结尾我们讲了从卢瑟福的概念中,衍生出来的波尔的原子模型。
  • 30、这三个人,数卢瑟福的样子给温斯顿印象最深.
  • 31、卢瑟福后来形象的描述说:与整个原子相比,原子核就像教堂里面一只飞的苍蝇,正如科学家弗里曼.戴森所说,原子核的发现开启了原子物理的新时代,这改变了我们对原子的认识。
  • 32、在非损伤技术中,卢瑟福背散射是使用最广泛的技术之一.
  • 33、据介绍,自从卢瑟福发现原子核和阿尔法射线,和原子核内的质子和中子,强相互作用的研究也开始了,至今已有近一个世纪的历史。
  • 34、昨天我们讲了卢瑟福,盖革,马斯登,以及他们在金箔上所做的实验。
  • 35、用卢瑟福背散射、X射线衍射和喇曼光谱法分析样品的成份及结构。
  • 36、他们的工作将在牛津的卢瑟福阿普尔顿实验室开始,在那里研究者将采用激光和分子光谱来选出他们想要使用的颗粒。
  • 37、卢瑟福说,谷歌和巨鲸音乐网的这个项目是个有趣的创新商业模式,是该领域的开拓者。
  • 38、大会期间同时将会举行一个卢瑟福作品展览会.