
最后更新于:2024-09-14 09:08:14

  • 1、寿柏年与宋卫平是杭州大学历史系77级的同学。
  • 2、毕业后,她历任清华大学历史系教员、北京图书馆中文编目部工作员,1951年进入山西大学历史系教书。
  • 3、The history department allows students to delve deep into the mysteries of the past, unlocking the secrets of civilizations that have long been forgotten, and igniting a passion for understanding the complexities of our world.
  • 4、Studying in the history department is like embarking on a time-traveling journey; it transports us to different eras, connects us with the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors, and reminds us of the continuous thread that weaves humanity together.
  • 5、The history department is a treasure trove of stories, anecdotes, and epic tales that paint a vivid picture of the human experience, reminding us of our shared humanity and encouraging compassion and empathy.
  • 6、History is not just a collection of dates and events; it is a living testament to the resilience, courage, and ingenuity of individuals and communities who have faced adversity and shaped the course of history.
  • 7、Bystudying history, we gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural diversity that has shaped our world, as well as the universal values and ideals that bind us together as global citizens.
  • 8、Exploring history not only satisfies our curiosity about the past, but it also helps us understand the present complexities of our world, appreciating the interconnectedness and interdependence of various societies and civilizations.
  • 9、The history department serves as a bridge that connects different disciplines, allowing us to examine the intersections between politics, economy, culture, and society, providing a holistic understanding of human existence.
  • 10、The history department fosters a sense of civic responsibility, encouraging students to be active participants in shaping their communities, drawing inspiration from the successes and failures of those who came before us.
  • 11、History possesses the power to challenge our preconceived notions, inviting us to question traditional narratives, and inspiring us to seek alternative perspectives that have been marginalized or silenced.
  • 12、The history department instills in students a sense of humility, reminding us of our place in the vast tapestry of time, and urging us to learn from the mistakes and achievements of previous generations.
  • 13、By studying history, we gain insight into the complexities of human behavior, recognizing the patterns and motivations that underlie societal change, and developing a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
  • 14、The history department embraces diversity and inclusivity, acknowledging the contributions of individuals from all walks of life, and highlighting the often overlooked stories of women, minorities, and marginalized communities.
  • 15、Through the study of history, we cultivate a sense of cultural appreciation and preservation, safeguarding our heritage and traditions, and celebrating the diversity that enriches our collective human experience.
  • 16、The history department fosters a sense of resilience and hope, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, humanity has the capacity to learn, adapt, and create a better future for generations to come.
  • 17、History is not a static subject; it is alive, evolving, and shaped by ongoing research and reinterpretation, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and providing endless opportunities for discovery.
  • 18、袁东平刚开始是个摄影发烧友,也喜欢拍一些风花雪月的东西,因为从骨子里头喜欢摄影,历史系毕业的袁东平还是削尖了脑袋来到了民族画报社。
  • 19、客席教授,名誉高级研究员,香港中文大学历史系
  • 20、1931年,北京大学聘他在历史系任教,讲授中国上古史和秦汉史,这是他在大学讲授历史课程之开始。
  • 21、20岁时,恰逢恢复高考第一年,在浙江美术地毯厂织手工地毯的他,考取了杭州大学历史系
  • 22、虽然历史系一班的第一节课还在继续,李前进表演的魔术已经传出了教室,落在了迎新会筹备组负责人贾妮的耳中。
  • 23、威斯敏斯特大学和德比大学的讲师说,绝大部分历史系的学生无法用英语很好地表达自己的思想,而莱斯特大学的教师认为,学生的英文书写能力也在下降。
  • 24、北京大学考古文博院兼职导师,南开大学历史系兼职教授,原中国收藏协会会长。
  • 25、博文中提到,厦门大学人文学院历史系特聘教授、博士生导师,中国百越民族史研究会会长吴春明与女博士汀洋交恶已久,并指吴春明勾引女学生一说非空血来风。
  • 26、有人认为,郝相赫很可能是因为没有考上北大历史系而记恨在心。
  • 27、弗格森任教于哈佛大学历史系和商学院,一如既往地,他在书中展现了自已非凡的叙述才能,给读者讲述最有触感的历史。
  • 28、她1963年出生于哈萨克斯坦卡拉干达地区,曾就读于国立莫斯科罗蒙诺索夫大学历史系,并获得硕士学位。
  • 29、该学校的历史系教授彼特抱怨说,这些队员有时在点名簿上签个名字就大摇大摆的走了,他们甚至都不愿意象征性的坐一下。
  • 30、本研究中心以上海师大历史系中国近现代史学科为主干力量,汇集了校内外、国内外专家学者而建立的研究机构。
  • 31、每年这些公司都雇用大量的来自历史系、英语系、政治学系的毕业生,但他们都没有受到过正式的金融与商科的教育。
  • 32、这位前历史系教授2000年作为充分发扬民主的支持者开始从政。
  • 33、该校的历史系教授彼特抱怨说,这些队员有时在点名簿上签个名字就大摇大摆地走了,他们甚至都不愿意象征性地坐一下。
  • 34、1931年,钱穆接到北京大学寄来的聘书,随即到北大历史系任教,讲授中国上古史和秦汉史。
  • 35、学年成绩第一,校学生会*席,有着被誉为校花的女朋友,还未毕业就有知名大学前来聘请作为学校历史系主任。
  • 36、他在网上发表了《人大历史系副主任许海云疯狂伪造系列学术著作献疑》一文,公开举报同事许海云。
  • 37、这个杭州大学历史系毕业的中年男人瘦削,深沉,不苟言笑。
  • 38、二狗,我们是华津大学历史系的学生,你有什么事直接去门房那说一下,他们会告诉我的。
  • 39、张老师说,别选择了历史系,就把书卷里那股子酸腐气也带出来。
  • 40、一名历史系男生,去景蓝斋找女同学,抬头又看到楼门上方那块阻挡他入内的“男宾止步”木牌,于是找来一架梯子和一把斧子爬上去要把它砸掉。
  • 41、历史系是文理学院的一部份。
  • 42、她已经由历史系转到英语系了。
  • 43、中山大学历史系教授林家有先生称,此处的“岑”指的是时任军务院代抚军长一职的岑春煊。