
最后更新于:2024-08-28 11:31:05

  • 1、美丽的故事,当其遭遇“人类发展史”的思索,它便只是书架上等待蒙尘的失落一族。而当它以童话的姿态站在世界面前,它便成为了全世界儿童心中的故乡,成了筑梦的奇迹工厂。人生亦如这本险遭埋没的童话:站对舞台,造就成功。
  • 2、千万不要这样就觉得很神奇,这只是开场的打招呼而已,接下来才是见证奇迹的时刻。
  • 3、When the doctor told us there was no hope, her recovery from cancer felt like a true miracle, filling our hearts with overwhelming joy and gratitude.
  • 4、Inthe face of adversity, their unwavering determination and unyielding spirit created a miracle that surpassed everyone's expectations.
  • 5、The birth of a child is always a miraculous event, a reminder of the beauty and wonder that exists in the world.
  • 6、Through acts of kindness and compassion, they brought hope to those in need and proved that miracles can be created by ordinary people.
  • 7、The reunion of long-lost siblings after decades apart was an emotional miracle, a moment of pure joy and elation.
  • 8、When adversity struck, their love for each other became their guiding light, leading them to overcome every challenge and manifest miracles in their daily lives.
  • 9、The invention of electricity revolutionized the world, turning darkness into light and opening up endless possibilities, a true miracle of human ingenuity.
  • 10、Despite the bleak circumstances, their unwavering faith and the support of their community led to a miraculous recovery and a new lease on life.
  • 11、The journey from rags to riches is often deemed a miracle, but it is the result of perseverance, hard work, and a belief in one's own abilities.
  • 12、Through the power of forgiveness, they transformed a broken relationship into a beautiful miracle of healing, giving hope to others facing similar struggles.
  • 13、The symphony orchestra's flawless performance brought tears to my eyes, reminding me of the sheer beauty and magic that can be created through music.
  • 14、The sight of a rainbow after a storm is a mesmerizing miracle, a symbol of hope and promise in the midst of chaos.
  • 15、The rescue of stranded hikers from the treacherous mountain was a heroic miracle, showcasing the bravery and selflessness of those involved.
  • 16、The blooming of a fragile flower in the midst of a harsh winter is a testament to the resilience of life and the ability to find beauty even in the harshest of conditions.
  • 17、Through their groundbreaking research and innovative technology, scientists continue to uncover the miracles of the universe, expanding our understanding of the world we live in.
  • 18、The art of storytelling has the power to transport us to different worlds and evoke deep emotions, creating a miracle in the form of imagination and wonder.
  • 19、After years of struggling with infertility, the couple finally received the news of a successful pregnancy, a miraculous gift that filled their hearts with boundless joy and gratitude.
  • 20、生活中,谅解可以产生奇迹,谅解可以挽回感情上的损失,谅解犹如一个火把能照亮由焦躁、怨恨复仇心理铺就的道路。
  • 21、若为奇迹一切证据皆可为之;若为事实则必证明之。
  • 22、每天努力一点,每天进步一点,就能创造一个意想不到的奇迹。晚安!
  • 23、只要你还有生命,还有能创造奇迹的双手,你就没有理由当过客、当旁观者,更没有理由抱怨生活。因为只要努力,幸福伸手就可以够得着。
  • 24、织布工的后代与帝王的后代一样,也能创造出奇迹
  • 25、人生,这伟大的奇迹,我们叹为观止,只因你如此奇妙无比……雪莱
  • 26、制胜不凭体力靠智力,成功不靠奇迹靠轨迹。成功不在于是否拿到好牌,关键在于能否将手中的坏牌打好。人生最重要的是,知道自己去哪里!
  • 27、我们通常所谓顺其自然,是一种随意平淡无所谓的心理状态,其实,伟大和崇高的奇迹常常在这种不经意和不在乎的心理状态和生命节奏中铸就。
  • 28、在中国要创造一个奇迹很容易,一下子就会现出使人惊异的成绩。但是要保持这个奇迹,中国人却缺少这种能力。一个人稍稍有一点可怜的成就,于是耳朵就不灵光了,眼睛也花了,路也不会走了,因为他开始发烧。柏杨
  • 29、让我们一起共勉,互相支持,让我们跑得更快,跑得更好吧!哪怕路上有风雨,哪怕途中有坎坷,只要不放弃奔跑,不放弃对自我的修行,我们终究会创造属于自己的生命奇迹
  • 30、青年人,更重要的是看到明天,抓住今天,在宁静中奋进,也许在明天旭日出山之前,你又创造了奇迹
  • 31、历史用深刻的手写下一串串华夏的奇迹,自豪和自信同时树起铁骨铮铮的丰碑。我们用刚毅创造了一个民族永远读不完的故事,稳定和谐谱奏出中华英雄之曲。高举着不断创新的大旗,走进未来的辉煌,用崭新的理想去建造一座人类最美好的摩天殿堂。
  • 32、“超乎自然?”雷恩摇摇头,“我从不相信奇迹;自然,我也不可能创造奇迹。若说在这一连串引人入胜的调查中,我获得某种程度的成就,我所有的,不过是观察、询问、谈话和思考,如此而已,毫无神秘可言。”。
  • 33、缺乏智慧的幻想会产生怪物,与智慧结合的幻想是艺术之母和奇迹之源。戈雅
  • 34、与智慧结合的幻想是艺术之母和奇迹之迷。戈雅
  • 35、每天、进步、一点点,那简直是在默默地创造一个意想不到的奇迹,在不动声色中酝酿一个真实感人的神话。
  • 36、时间,时间你这智慧的老人,创造历史,书写篇章。时间,时间你这无情的法官,判断成败,铁面无私。时间,时间你这热情的青年,活力四射,孕育成功的奇迹
  • 37、瀑布是江河走投无路时创造的奇迹
  • 38、拼搏中奇迹铸就,汗水中成功牵手。
  • 39、我存在,乃是所谓生命的一个永久的奇迹
  • 40、长城是奇迹,它震惊了世界人民。
  • 41、书,要算是人类在走向未来幸福富强的道路上创造的一切奇迹中最复杂最伟大的奇迹
  • 42、当当网也是民营,如果没有新技术革命,当当网早就死了。2011年前三个季度,当当网买出图书接近1亿册。属于奇迹中的奇迹了!
  • 43、奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命蒂努力。
  • 44、她那又密又厚的黑头发,长在这么瘦弱的身体上,像奇迹似的令人触目。
  • 45、世界许多名城都以保持自己古老的格局为荣,我们却在炫耀“三个月换一次地图”这种可怕的“奇迹”!
  • 46、奇迹建立在我们对大自然的无知这。塞万提斯
  • 47、心一意我想你,两情相悦甜如蜜,三世情缘创奇迹,四时充美人欢喜,五福临门笑口开,六六大顺吉祥意,七夕之恋亲亲你:宝贝,情人节快乐!
  • 48、缺乏智慧的幻想才得以产生怪物,与智慧结合的幻想是艺术之因和奇迹之源。戈雅
  • 49、我们说,只能这样的生活呵,可是从圆心可以画出多少条半径来,而生活方式有这样的多。一切变革都是值得思考的奇迹,每一刹那发生的事都可以是奇迹。梭罗
  • 50、我们的青春为何这般朝气蓬勃?我们的生活为何这般龙腾虎跃?啊!因为我们青春和生活的每一瞬间,都为着希望和奇迹而存在!