
最后更新于:2024-08-29 09:18:15

  • 1、孔明先生对孟获七擒七纵,孟获纵非黔驴技穷,亦会为之仁德屈服
  • 2、最不要看见你老了,皮松了肉散了头发黄了,最可怕的是你眼睛里,流露的是屈服于这个世界却满足于现在的目光。金国栋
  • 3、When faced with overwhelming challenges, I refused to yield, for I firmly believe in my own strength and resilience.
  • 4、Despite the constant pressure from society to conform, she refused to yield to its expectations and pursued her own dreams.
  • 5、Inthe face of countless obstacles and setbacks, he displayed an unwavering determination and refused to yield to despair.
  • 6、She refused to yield to temptation, standing firm in her principles and maintaining her integrity even in the face of adversity.
  • 7、The team showed great resilience and refused to yield to the opposition, fighting until the very end with sheer determination.
  • 8、Despite the harsh criticisms and doubts, he remained resilient and refused to yield to the negativity, proving his worth through his achievements.
  • 9、The student, despite facing numerous difficulties in his studies, refused to yield to failure and continued to work hard to achieve his goals.
  • 10、The athlete, exhausted and in pain, pushed himself to the limit and refused to yield, crossing the finish line with a sense of triumph.
  • 11、The young entrepreneur faced countless setbacks and failures but refused to yield to the discouragement, ultimately building a successful business.
  • 12、The artist, despite facing rejection and criticism, refused to yield to societal norms and continued to create thought-provoking and unconventional art.
  • 13、The scientist's groundbreaking research faced skepticism from the scientific community, but he refused to yield, persisting in his pursuit of knowledge and discovery.
  • 14、Despite the immense pressure and expectations, she refused to yield to perfectionism, embracing her imperfections and finding her own path to success.
  • 15、In the face of personal hardships and tragedy, she refused to yield to despair, finding strength in her loved ones and the beauty of life.
  • 16、The community, devastated by a natural disaster, refused to yield to despair and came together to rebuild their homes and lives.
  • 17、当狂风在你耳边呼啸时,你只当它微风拂面;当暴雨在你眼前倾泻时,你只当它屋檐滴水;当闪电在你头顶肆虐时,你只当它萤火流逝。人,决不能在逆境面前屈服
  • 18、鼓励,就是给予安心、希望和勇气,是精神的触发作业,点燃对方的生命,引出永不屈服的力量。
  • 19、迁就容忍、屈服、接纳、适应、宽恕、谅解、妥协、韧力、认命,婚姻爱情可训练出“十项全能”。
  • 20、瑶池圣女:这天地间没有破不了的局,只要你永不屈服,敢与天抗,一切皆有可能发生。
  • 21、从实验结果得知,两种材料在不同撞击速度范围内其动态屈服应力的敏感度不同。
  • 22、永勿屈服于悲愁;要一直抗拒,否则这习惯便会得寸进尺。
  • 23、一切暴力都可以不经斗争就使对方屈服,却不能使对方顺从。托尔斯泰
  • 24、钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。奥斯特洛夫斯基
  • 25、坚强并不只是在大是大非中不屈服,而也是在挫折前不改变自己。
  • 26、明天会给你什么谁也不知道。它可能给你一顶王冠,也可能给你一口棺柩。勇敢的人对前者漠然视之,勇敢的人对后者永不屈服。薇诺拉
  • 27、我的最高原则是:不论任何困难,都决不屈服
  • 28、输,并不代表我永远认输;退一步,并不代表我屈服;放手,并不代表我放弃;正如我微笑;并不意味着我快乐.李兴禹
  • 29、我要抱住命运的咽喉,决不能让命运使我屈服。贝多芬
  • 30、在狂风中,小杨树从不屈服,它们把根紧紧地扎进土地,用水形成的绿叶挡住大风中的灰尘,不让灰尘污染我们的生活环境。
  • 31、人最终都是在习惯中屈服。我们的意志并非想象中那般强韧,它也不能够选择理所当然的正确。正确的,只能是那些最终要强迫你接受的存在。不管它是空气,城市,婚姻,个性,还是其他。安妮宝贝
  • 32、在灾难而前不可屈服,而应更加勇敢地去正视它。
  • 33、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它决不能使我屈服
  • 34、本文将4043铝合金在介于其名义屈服强度和强度极限之间的某一应力下进行拉伸,造成拉伸硬化和损伤后,用直流脉冲电流处理。
  • 35、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 36、幸运的人为了使自己不过分得意,不幸福的人作为支撑,不幸的人为了不屈服,各人都需要信仰。
  • 37、最英雄主义的一句话:这个军队具有一往无前的精神,它要压倒一切敌人,而决不被敌人所屈服
  • 38、我们都是具备离开情结的人。任何事情都以离开作为最后的解决。随时都在准备离开。接受离开。不去面对。不愿意让心受到损耗。让自己屈服
  • 39、命运,我是不会向你屈服,你等着,我,一定,行行行……
  • 40、人生道路上五味杂陈,有酸的,甜的,哭的,辛辣的,因为我有一种从不屈服的倾向,所以我从来都不停滞不前!
  • 41、如果人们不对悲伤屈服,过度的悲伤不久就会自己告终的。莎士比亚
  • 42、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。生活是这样美好,活他一千辈子吧!
  • 43、这个军队具有一往无前的精神,它要压倒一切敌人,而决不被敌人所屈服
  • 44、中华民族从来没有向侵略者屈服过。
  • 45、我从来不曾有过幸运,将来也永远不指望幸运,我的最高原则是:不论对任何困难都决不屈服!居里夫人
  • 46、梅花散发出阵阵香味,芬芳扑鼻,远远的都可以闻到。它是一朵小小的不起眼的的梅花,红的耀眼,红得鲜艳,特别的美丽,在寒风中傲义凛然的站着,经受寒风暴雪的吹打,但却不屈服,仍然坚持的站着。
  • 47、美,是严峻的、难以接近的东西,不是那样容易能得到的,要耐心地等待它,窥探它,强迫它,把它紧紧地抱住,强迫它屈服
  • 48、他相信小狼会教给他更多的东西:勇敢、智慧、顽强、忍耐、热爱生活、热爱生命、永不满足、永不屈服、并藐视严酷恶劣的环境,建立起强大的自我。
  • 49、我要扼住命运的咽喉,它休想使我屈服。贝多芬
  • 50、一年四季到大暑,年中最热是三伏;莫道天热日子苦,意志千万别屈服;常言夏练在三伏,愿你能够得鼓舞,赢得人生真幸福!